Nursing Decisions on West Coast 2017: Where are you thinking of going and why?

Hello all,
Now that some admission decisions are coming in and more expected for EA this week, I thought to start this conversation. There are so few direct admit schools on the West Coast, that it is a huge accomplishment to get any, period. But, if you or your child has options, it would be great to share your decision thoughts. I will start - my D17 has been admitted to USF and University of Portland, at this point, with comparable Merit $. Awaiting Seattle, Gonzaga, SDSU and CSUF. USF is closer to home, but may be too close for my D17, D17 loved UP when we visited, but seems to have a lot more Theology and strictly specified LA requirements.

Hey theally1,
I’ve received decisions from UP, Gonzaga, TCU, all which were acceptances into the direct admit nursing program. I loved UP and it’s campus; however, the vibe feels very religious which kind of frightens me to be honest. I received very affordable merit aid at both UP and Gonzaga. Waiting on TCU at the moment for scholarships, without them I cannot afford to attend because it will be >55k a year. USF, while it is too close to home for me, I do hear excellent things about their nursing school and produces well off nurses. I’m waiting on SDSU, CSUF, UCLA, UCI–really wanting SDSU. If you didn’t visit SeattleU, it has an urban/city feel, not religious at all like UP. I personally did not find it an attractive campus. Athletics were lacking, the gym did not seem well furnished, plus the nursing school was at least a half a mile of walking from the campus! The clinicals at SeattleU was an extremely cool sight to see because there are tons of dummies(humans?) to be found to practice on. UP’s clinicals was a sight to see. It was smaller than SeattleU, but they really test you which I found really fascinating. By testing I mean hiding behind a one way window and making you figure out the problem without guidance so you have no choice but to ask questions so you can receive help later on. Hopefully my insight helped your daughter.

Thanks! Best of luck to you. My D also applied to SDSU, but with 3.8 GPA and ave last year there of 4.04, it is likely will not happen. Let us know where you end up!

@Nurse2017 omg is UP really that religious? yikes maybe i shouldn’t have put “atheist” on my application hahahah

@theally1 My CSU GPA is a 4.04, keeping my fingers crossed! Hopefully SDSU decides to throw more guys in the mix, haha. Your D’s GPA is not bad at all, so don’t lose hope. Hopefully she took all the science courses offered at her HS because that makes or breaks it for specialized programs such as nursing.

@liquidsugar Well it is a catholic school and not a jesuit. I don’t think they put too much emphasis on religion so you’ll be okay. On the other hand… it is really conservative, so if you’re a full on liberal, I wouldn’t suggest it. A lot of factors to be thrown in haha. Tell me how it goes

I have already gotten into CSUF, but I am waiting to hear from SDSU. I can see myself going to either though. I am really excited to find out where I’ll end up! :slight_smile:

The nursing programs apparently have some control over which of their grads are allowed to take the licensing exam. There are pre-tests, and some nursing schools require graduates to take extra prep courses if the student does not do well in the pre-tests.

Many of the students who do not pass the exam on the first try will pass on the second try.

In an extreme case, it was reported that one university was accused of not granting a BSN to students who they did not think would do well on the exam, even though they received decent grades on their courses.

I applied to a good mix of nursing/pre-nursing options… As for direct-admit (the topic of discussion), I applied to CSUF, SDSU, and UCI. I’ve already got the admit from CSUF (strong candidate), but I’m really wanting SDSU. Truth is, I only applied to UCI because I felt it would be more holistic incase my stats were not up to par with the competitive Cal State direct-entry programs’. Congrats to all admitted, and good luck to those who are still waiting. :slight_smile:

@CaliforniaSoul What are your stats if you don’t mind?

Hi @lastofthree. I have a CSU GPA of 4.0 with As in Honors Bio and Honors Chem, and a New SAT score of 1290 with 620 in writing and 690 in math.

@CaliforniaSoul my daughter was also accepted to CSUF and is waiting on SDSU, UCI and UCLA.
Good luck to you too!

congrats to those who got in already. I didn’t know CSUF sent out letter already. My D17 has similar stats as CaliforniaSoul. 3.95 GPA, 1290 SAT, A in AP Chem and A/B+ in AP Bio. Still has not heard back from any schools. D17 applied UCLA, UCI, CSUF, CSUL, SDSU for nursing and a few other UCs for her 2nd major choice.

UCLA says 40 admit out of 1940 applicants last year, the most competitive major in already one of the most competitive school… However, many told me that stats may not be as high as UCLA average of 4.3 GPA and 1400 ish for SAT because high stat applicants usually go for engineering, pre-med related, computer, law related majors… Do you agree? Do you know anyone who got accepted to nursing school with great essay, recommendations and activities? I thought we were short on nurses but we are willing to issue visas to foreign nurses come over and work while schools such as UCLA only accept 2 ~ 3% of applicants… makes me wonder… may be cal states accept more for RNs and UCLA is focusing on research and higher education

@chookgoo We’re not short on nurses at all, at least in SoCal. I have nursing friends who graduated from CSUN and Saint Marys who cannot even find an interview down south! Keep in mind they had 4.0 GPAs in nursing school.

I would agree with you the stats are lower for the nursing than the school itself, right now. However, with the increasing applicant pool, it will be become far more competitive than the school not too far in the future. Your best shot at UCLA is basically your recs, supplementals, and UC essays – assuming you have 4.0+ (UCs really emphasizes grades) and decent test scores.

Regarding the science classes I received A/A AP Bio, B/B-(I hope the B- doesn’t disqualify me…) Honors chem, A+/A Honors Anatomy. Wish you the best of luck! :slight_smile:


Thank you for your reply. My D17 has 3.95 GPA so little low on UCLA standard but got As in AP Bio and AP Chem. As you said, very strong recommendations, statement of purpose, UC essays, and she was 4 year volleyball player in high school with 2 varsity starting libero along with other activities. So we’ll see how that pan out. She applied to UC Irvine and 3 other cal states. Nothing yet.

I heard two of my wife’s friends daughters got in UCLA Nursing and UCI nursing 2 years ago. One got in UCLA got reject from UCI and one went to UCI got reject from UCLA so after certain baseline, it’s really up to school and what goes on in that year for the acceptance/rejection decision is made…

Also you agreed that nursing applicants’ stats are lower than other popular majors in UCLA, however, I really don’t have anything to back that up. Do you hear that from a reliable source or are you assuming just like me? Anyway, best of luck!!!

I am a current UCLA Nursing student and you are in fact correct that the stats of our admitted class (fall 2016) were not as high as compared to say the School of Engineering. Admission to the School of Nursing is very holistic, and you can check out my stats to prove it. Best of Luck to all that applied and remember that every nursing program is just as great!!! (:

Accepted at CSUF, my safety school. Also applied to SDSU, UCLA, UCI. Really want SDSU!
Stats: GPA: 4.1, 1280 SAT, 31 ACT, Hispanic/bilingual volunteering@hospital. Not sure if Hispanic matters at CSUs but might help at holistic UCs. Good luck to everyone!!

got an email from CSUF today saying they changed my major from nursing to undeclared because my EI is below 4550 (the minimum) wow

Wow, thats so weird. I’ve never heard of that happening before. @liquidsugar

@liquidsugar: UCI Nursing will also change or accept you either into your alternate major or Undeclared if you do not meet the Nursing school requirements. CSUF is giving you another chance in applying to their Nursing school after Sophomore year. Good Luck and hope your other schools come through.