Nursing Essay

I just finished revising my essay for nursing major and I’m pretty satisfied with it. However, I was debating whether I should include my experience in translating the Korean language for patients as a volunteer.
The maximum word count allowed is 250, and the essay is exactly at 250, so that would mean I have to delete a paragraph or something so I have space to talk about it.

Without looking at your essay or knowing the prompt, I would try to fit it in. There is likely a way to tighten something so you could slip in a line.

However, and I’m just thinking out loud, that’s pretty interesting! Is it possible that maybe that is the focus of your essay and the other stuff gets worked in around it? Not everyone will have that experience. My ears perked up, and I’m a stranger on the internet, lol.

I completely understand 250 words, that is very tough. On my DD’s nursing essay she had almost 500, but on her personal statement she was limited to 250 words and there was some very tight writing involved to keep it to 250.

Is it better that I focus a part of my essay on the translating experience rather than growing up with a nurse as a mom and having that like first expose me to nursing? I’m just not sure which one would sell me better haha

Translating for patients is not considered nursing care, but rather indicates character. Is there a way to put it on your activities list? I would not interrupt the flow or focus of your essay on a lovely and helpful service that you provided, but that does not directly reflect nursing care.

Again, without knowing what you already have …

Not everyone knows Korean, especially enough to translate some medical jargon. I would definitely consider putting it in there, and perhaps bring it around to how you showed compassion and empathy, and realized that nursing goes beyond IVs and meds.

I think it’s worth a mention in your essay - it does relate to nursing - as well as any extra curricular listing you have going. My daughter talked about Grey’s Anatomy, volunteering and mentoring in hers, but she had more space.

You might fit that in under activities, if you don’t have room in the essay. It is better that your essay be a clear expression, and not a mix of too many different things.