Nursing- High school courses HELP!

<p>I am currently a junior in my high school who is interested in Nursing. I was wondering if my class schedule would look better with AP Chem or Physiology/Anatomy. I am taking AP BIO this year. I am interested in applying into very selective schools like Columbia, maybe Pitt,Georgetown Univ, Univ of Rochester.</p>

<p>My projected classes in senior year.</p>

<p>AP Calc
AP Literature
AP World History
AP Spanish/Spanish 4- depending if enough students take AP Spanish
APChem or Physiology/Anatomy?????
Religion 4
Phys ED</p>

<p>Can someone help me and tell me if AP CHem would look better on the application or would a half year of A&P look good. Would you think with all of my APs, that Physiology and Anatomy could look ok. I am not sure about what science class should I take. I want these prestige universities to like my course selection. Please help and give me some advice on the nursing field. Thank you</p>

<p>Hi: My daughter applied to and got into PItt and Georgetown nursing. She took AP Chem and A&P. She did not take Calculus. She is currently a freshman at Penn Nursing and loving it. I think they are looking for more than just what classes you took. They will want to see things done outside of school as well such as voluntering or shadowing. I think that helped my daughter with her admission decisions. Good Luck.</p>

<p>I would take whichever class has a better teacher. I don’t think a nursing school would care about chem vs. anatomy - they both are important. </p>

<p>(At college, it is often better to pick the courses by the quality of the prof, instead of the subject title).</p>

<p>I think it always looks best if you take the most challenging courses offered by your school. AdComms will most likely receive an evaluation of courses you took as they compare to the most difficult offered by your school. Passing on AP Chem in favor of A&P may look as though you avoided the most difficult course (you know what they say about perception). so check with your guidance counselor to be sure that you know how they would be annotating your transcript.<br>
Believe URochester does not offer Direct Entry BSN. Not sure about Lou Gehrig’s alma mater.</p>

<p>AP Chem or A&P will both prepare you for nursing school. But taking an AP class would look better on your college aps than A&P.</p>

<p>Penn is the only Ivy League school with a direct entry 4 year BSN Program. FYI IMO some of the best BSN Programs on East Coast include BC, Northeastern, NYU, Penn, Pitt, Penn State, Villanova, Univ. of Delaware, Georgetown, Catholic Univ., Rutgers, TCNJ, UVA, UNC, Univ. of Miami, UConn. You can get an excellent nursing education at any of these programs if you apply yourself. In addition if you are interested in pursuing Nursing Graduate School a degree from any of these schools (assuming you do well at the school) will get you into the best Nursing Graduate Schools in the country. Best of luck to you.</p>