Nursing Major at Duquesne University. Any insight would be great

<p>I originally applied to Duquesne a few months ago as psycholoy/pre-med thinking I wanted to go to medical school, be a doctor, etc. I got in. However, after long thought, I wanted to go in a different direction, still in the health field. I've made a final decision on nursing. So I'm trying to switch my major to nursing at Duquesne. I have tried to find as much information about the admissions as possible but I can't find much about the total requirements. The website says upper 2/5ths in rank but my school doesn't rank and they don't specify required test scores. They just say acceptable schools that the university adheres to and I know the ACT score to get into most programs is a 22 as told to me by an admissions director. The required gpa into the nursing program is a 3.0 though. Here are my stats:</p>

<p>GPA= 4.1
ACT=22 (bad I know)
Over 127+ hours in community service and I'm still working.</p>

<p>What are my chances of Duquesne admitting me into the program?</p>

Have you spoken with Duquesne nursing yet?</p>

<p>It is important to call and ask ASAP, hopefully before the nursing class is filled. Many universities fill their nursing programs early.</p>

<p>I have already applied for the program as of last week. They have my application and everything. I also scheduled a meeting with a nursing admissions counselor for next Friday.</p>

<p>I’m glad that you have already applied. As Charlieschm said, many universities fill their nursing programs early. I think your chance of being admitted into Duquesne School of Nursing will hinge on three things:

  1. How many available spaces Duquesne currently has left to fill
  2. Your high school’s profile. How competitive is it? Are your standardized test scores an actual reflection of your abilities or is your GPA artificially inflated from an easy curriculum at a low performing HS.
  3. Your interview/meeting with the nursing admissions counselor. Hopefully you can convince this person that Duquesne is (and has always been) your first choice and that you just happened to struggle with standardized testing. </p>

<p>I’m sure the nursing admissions counselor will be able to give you a MUCH better idea of your chances than we can. Good Luck!</p>

<p>I obtained my GPA from two highly respected college-prep, private, catholic high schools with a rigorous high school curriculum combined with 3 and half years of extremely hard work. I now attend a high school that is slightly harder than my first but not too much. The curriculums were/are by no means “easy” regardless of whether they were/are regular, honors, or AP. </p>

<p>I’m not entirely sure how quickly their program would fill up but their early admission deadline was only in mid-December and Duquesne is not a big school like the University of Pittsburgh. But I really do not know.</p>

<p>I am going to send in another letter recommendation from a science teacher and MAYBE one from a math teacher, along with a person statement supplement as to why I want to be in the Nursing program. I hope this will help.</p>

<p>Thank you so much!</p>

<p>Just to emphasize the early application process for nursing, there are some colleges that right now are saying they will accept applications for every program EXCEPT nursing.</p>

<p>Now I’m starting to lose hope.
What colleges are you talking about exactly?</p>

<p>speechless06: Both Pitt and PSU advise SON applicants that they need to apply before Dec 1st…and sooner is better. I don’t know whether they would tell someone in January that it’s too late…but it’s certainly possible that they will tell applicants that they are full.</p>

<p>Do NOT give up hope. Every pot has a lid and you’ll find a nursing program that is perfect for you. The fact that you are already admitted to Duquesne is a very positive sign. I think based on your GPA and the high schools you’ve attended that you should be optimistic about your meeting with the nursing admissions counselor. If nothing else you should be able to take the nursing prerequisites the first year and transfer into nursing the second year. I don’t think Duquesne nursing students have any clinicals their first year. I have heard some very good things about Duquesne’s nursing program from people that attend and their parents. Stay positive!</p>

<p>In the mean time have you considered applying to some other direct entry nursing programs? Time is short (and it may be too late for some) but there are probably a few that may still have openings. If you want to stay in W. PA - Waynesburg is supposed to have a very good program. You might want to check with them.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I’m pretty much committed to Duquesne. Sent in my deposit and everything. It’s been the school I’ve wanted ever since I was in 9th grade. Always been my number one choice. Like I said, I have another essay that I’ve written which I will be sending in and I’m sending in another recommendation letter. I’ve talked to my guidance counslor as well at school and she said she’d be shocked if I didn’t get in. However, I’m certainly not getting my hopes up. I know nothing is guaranteed.</p>

<p>I can’t find too much information about DU’s nursing program and their requirements. But my biggest question has become: How many students will they generally let in their nursing program? Does it vary each year?</p>

<p>Pitt and Penn State are very large schools, much larger and higher ranked than Duquesne is. They are very different schools as well. They get many, many more applicants and run on a rolling admissions basis for admission into any school/major, Duquesne does not and their application deadline for Nursing is July 1st.</p>

<p>But again, I’m most likely wrong about this because I really don’t know much about this whole process just yet. ha. I’m just very confused because on the website, the only Nursing programs they say they base admissions off of seat availability is the Second Degree BSN and if you’re a transfer. It says nothing about whether or not the Freshman admissions is based on that. So I’m just really confused about that and am wondering if anybody has any information about how many applicants they accept into their program?
I’ve been relying on their website which is why I’m looking for any more insight from anybody.</p>

<p>Thank you so much though for your support! That really does mean a lot to me! :)</p>

<p>I also want to add that Duquesne does have my first quarter grades as well. I am taking all AP and honors clases - 6 classes (extremely heavy course load with the combination of my school) and I got 4 A’s and two B’s (one B being an AP course) and my first quarter gpa is a 4.25. I’m not sure if this would aid them in their decision or not though. I’m hoping it would help me though.</p>