Nursing Program at UT

<p>So, I know almost everyone on this forum likes talking about the top programs at UT (engineering, Plan II, business). But what about nursing? I think people tend to forget that it is very competitive to get into the UT Nursing program.</p>

<p>Anyways, I just wanted to see if anyone else has applied or been accepted to UT as a Pre-Nursing major. Also, if you have any facts on the nursing program, I would be glad to hear them. :)</p>

<p>bump 10 char</p>

<p>i applied for the nursing program. as my second choice though. im also wondering how many people applied for nursing at UT :D.</p>

<p>Very cool! :slight_smile: What was your first-choice major?</p>

<p>i applied for the school of social work :)</p>

<p>Did you get in?</p>

<p>i have no idea since im not in the top ten percent :(.</p>

<p>does anyone else know much about the admission process for the nursing school at UT?</p>

<p>They accept primarily by class rank. The cut-off for the Pre-Nursing major is usually around the top 4% of applicants. However, they also heavily consider the optional materials (resume, letters of rec, etc.) if you send them in.</p>

<p>They do accept primarily by class rank, as altindiegirl stated.</p>

<p>I just finished my first semester as a Pre-Nursing major and I love it. I really, really do love it - the faculty is extremely supporting and I’m glad I chose to go here. The Nursing building is a bit alienated in terms of location to the overall campus; but I think it makes it nicer since it really is its own community. </p>

<p>Nursing is definitely overlooked as a major at UT - so much that several people believe it’s even under Natural Sciences. UT’s Nursing program is one of the top ten Nursing programs in the nation and it’s no joke. My advisor mentioned only 70 or so students were accepted into Fall 2008 as Pre-Nursing (yeah I know the whole it being unknown factor is a factor). We do have to apply to upper-division Nursing typically a semester before upper-division starts (third year is usually when UD starts). </p>

<p>I should encourage any of you to apply to the Nursing FIG program (you’ll be offered it at Orientation) because it really did help. It’s basically a program where 20-30 students are placed together to have three classes (at the minimum two) together. There’s also a mandatory one hour weekly meeting that was sometimes beneficial and sometimes not. Overall, I’m glad my mother forced me to participate in this and even though it only lasts the Fall semester; several of us from my FIG are registering in similar classes next Spring.</p>

<p>If anyone has any questions about Pre-Nursing or the Nursing program I’d be more than happy to help. I know how scarce Nursing topics were/are in comparison to the other Colleges =P</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the response. :slight_smile: I’m looking forward to becoming a Longhorn next year!</p>

<p>Will you clear something up for me? You say that the cutoff for the pre-nursing program is the top 4% of applicants. With a high school class rank of 5%, what do you think my chances are?</p>

<p>I think your chances are pretty good. What are you other stats?</p>

<p>I was 24/438 at the end of my junior year. As of mid-term senior year, I’m 21/419 (5.01%). My GPA at midterm is 3.9 on a 4.0 scale. ACT is 28.</p>