Nursing School Clinicals- Comparing Xavier University, Valparaiso and Otterbein

My daughter is narrowing down her Nursing School choices. We realize that Xavier, Valpo and Otterbein each have their own strengths and weaknesses. (We will be visiting at the end of March) Until then, can anyone share their child’s experience in regards to the school’s clinicals and senior practicums? At this point in the search, this is one of the main factors impacting her decision. Specifically…Hospitals close to school? Quality of instructors? Support? Near teaching hospital? Job opportunities after graduation? Pediatric and/or ICU exposure? How senior practicums are assigned? Difficulty of getting first choice as well as input on each school’s simulation labs.
Thank you in advance.

We will also be visiting Xavier at end of month for my daughter. At Xavier I also want to ask about NCLEX rate ( at about 85% it’s at the low end I feel).

When we visited Westminster in Utah, the senior nursing students and faculty we met were very helpful in answering all the questions you have about the clinicals. For example, they mentioned that they took full 12 hour shifts compared the students from other colleges that worked 5 or 8 hour shifts and they described how faculty with a specific interest would be matched with a student to ensure the right clinical fit or job recommendation. I am interested to see if larger nursing programs can scale up this level of attention.

Thank you. I have been concerned about the pass rate as well. I spoke to the dean at Xavier about 2 months ago and it sounds like they have implemented strategies to increase that percentage. Still something to mull over

@Towingthree I don’t know about Otterbein or Valpo but I can speak to Xavier. We visited Xavier at their open house in Nov. That’s good to know the specifics about trying to improve their NCLEX. It did seem like they had a new online program that the students subscribe to that they practice on a regular basis. Quizzes them thru the NCLEX questions. Interestingly enough, Univ of Cincy is just down the street and they have similar NCLEX pass rates in the mid 80s. No idea why the two programs NCLEX scores are on the lower side and so similar?

This will hopefully answer some questions you asked above:
-Clinicals are within 1 hr radius of campus
-Clinicals begin 2nd semester of sophomore yr in LT care facilities, then move to hospitals Jr year, and then to community facilities Sr year
-Sr year the students are assigned a specific nurse to follow in their exact jobs (I have to assume they follow them in a 12 hr shift? but they didn’t specify that)
-Clinicals include Cincy Children’s for sure; one of the nursing students mentioned that in the Q&A (the facility is just down the road near UC)
-Students travel in groups to clinicals soph & jr year but will need their own car sr year since its 1 on 1 with a nurse
-I am not sure that you can do a specific clinical rotation request - they did not mention
-Clinical facilities are brand new and extremely nice - the HUB just opened when we were touring; lots of study areas; located in same building as new workout facility and on campus health center
-In my opinion, Xavier has some of the best learning supports that I have seen before clinicals begin (student success program & their SI program); I would have to assume this support system continues thru the nursing school portion and they did have a specific support office located on same floor as SIM lab
-Lower clinical ratios than state requires (6:1 Xavier vs 8:1 State)
-UC is a teaching hospital but not certain they are assigned clinicals there; good question to ask
-We met 2 instructors during the Open House; one was awesome and seemed very supportive; the other I couldn’t get a feel for as it was so busy during open house

Hope this helps. It’s funny how you learn more as you go along. Now 3 mos later, I have questions now that I wished I would have asked at Open House. I really want my daughter to go back and visit again before she makes a final choice. So many pieces of this school are a great fit for her.