Nursing schools for a ~2.8-3.0 GPA

<p>Current high school junior. I have a 2.84 GPA right now and it may go up a little by the end of the year depending on how I do. I decided I want to become a nurse, however due to some medical and personal issues my high school grades suffered and my GPA is much lower than it could potentially be. I was wondering if any one new of any nursing schools that would accept a student with a GPA like mine. I have not yet taken my SATS but I got around a 160 on my PSATS. Currently, I'm looking at Widener because it seems as if there min. GPA is a 2.75. Any others?</p>

<p>Alvernia, Neumann (both in PA), D’Youville (Buffalo, NY) are a few other colleges that will consider applicants with a lower grade point average. I’m sure there are others, mostly less selective private colleges or hospital-based diploma programs. There are quite a few such programs in Pennsylvania, but you’d have to check directly with individual schools. For a listing of accredited schools in PA, check the PA State Board of Nursing website.</p>

<p>The nursing program is usually one or two notches higher in competitiveness than the student body as a whole. Therefore, if you see colleges that are not very competitive in their overall admission, their nursing program is probably only moderately competitive. As noted above, also look for states where there are many nursing programs, such as Pa.</p>

<p>Also, take both the ACT and the SAT. For whichever test you do better, take that one a second time. Many people who are better at science than math do much better on the ACT. </p>

<p>You might also find some hospital based programs that are less competitive. Many branch campuses of universities are less competitive. At community colleges that have RN programs, there usually competition for entry, but not as much as at other public colleges. </p>

<p>Applying early will usually increase your chances for admission to most programs. Applying late can kill your chances.</p>

<p>You might have a good chance at Widener, I actually really liked their program. Not sure if you have visited but they have a brand new nursing building built in 2012 and their simulation labs are top notch, plus they have good NCLEX pass rates. My daughter and I both liked the professors and the students we met there. It’s still a possibility on my daughter’s list but not the top one since the bad surrounding area is a major negative. Definitely apply early to this and other schools with rolling admissions.</p>