Nursing Schools?

What are some Nursing Schools in or near the Northeast region (like NY, NJ, PA, MA, CT, etc.) ? Are there any direct entry programs? Are they easy or hard to get into? If you’re a nursing major, please respond! Thank you :slight_smile:

If you have a college degree, the MGH Institute ( has a direct entry program. Northeastern in Boston ( and Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences ( also have programs. You might want to swing over to the parents’ board and ask if any parents of nursing students have better input.

Alright thanks!!

Here is the link to the the most recent direct admit list of nursing programs in the US [on the CC-nursing thread for direct admit schools]:

I suggest reading through all the nursing threads for the past 3 years in order to gain much information about individual programs.

I believe I already commented on one of your other posts lol. But I’ll tell you some things that might help :slight_smile:

First of all, I think it’s great that you’re interested in direct entry nursing programs. I only applied to direct entry ones, and a lot of other people have done the same. They seem the safest since you don’t have to worry about reapplying & all that. Just be careful when you research colleges because some might have different requirements even though they are “direct entry”. You might also be offered pre-nursing instead of nursing, which is not direct entry!!

As for researching, I highly recommend you look at the list that blueskyforever posted above ^^^^^ It’s what I used to narrow down my choices. Now I don’t know what’s most important to you, but to me, it was definitely distance. So I made a spreadsheet with all the colleges in NJ, NY, PA, CT, MA, DE, MD, VA, WV, and RI. I ended up crossing off all but 1 of the schools that were further than 4 hours, but that limit is totally up to you. Then you could research a bunch of things like…

  • whether its rural, suburban, or urban by looking at the college’s college board page
  • visiting the college’s website and finding out what SAT + GPA they require for admission
  • looking up the cost of tuition, housing, etc.
  • researching how big the school is - use college board or niche
  • diversity factors like races, out of state + in state - use college board
  • school size - do you like small classes or big classes? look at the student to teacher ratio on college board
  • recent NCLEX pass rates - there are some links on college confidential but you may have to google. usually states post PDFs of all their college’s NCLEX pass rates, which i think are easier to find
  • acceptance rate into the college itself - usually nursing programs are more difficult to get into than the college itself, so if the college itself doesn’t accept that many students, your chances of getting into the nursing program are significantly lower
  • are there hospitals around? where do nursing students do their clinicals?
  • can students have a car on campus, especially during junior & senior year to drive to clinicals?
  • is the town safe? - read reviews on niche, they’re SUPER helpful!!!

Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, start thinking about…

  • whether the school uses the common app or not - some schools make students apply using their website instead
  • what essays do you need to write & how many different ones? - this will be super annoying hahah
  • when are the deadlines for sending in your application, SAT/ACT scores, transcript, etc.? - definitely try applying early action to as many schools as you can because nursing programs fill up very quickly!!

Sorry to bombard you with information but I hope it helps!! :slight_smile: