Nursing Transfer

Hey guys! I’m looking into transferring from my current nursing program to another one and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations or insight on the schools I am looking into.

I finished this semester (first semester as a freshman) with a 4.0. I had a 3.5 in high school with one AP course and multiple honors courses.

The schools I’m looking into: University of Pittsburgh, University of Connecticut, Boston College, and Northeastern University. I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the admissions for these schools and if I meet the average accepted transfer student statistics. I know nursing transfers are greatly influenced by the amount of spots available so it’s hard to gauge, but I’m just trying to see what kind of schools I should be looking at.

Given this, I was also curious if anyone had any other good nursing programs they’d recommend for undergraduates? I’m looking for somewhere with good clinical connections, preferably big like Pitt or UConn, or in the city like BC and Northeastern.

Thank you in advance!

I’d add less selective colleges to your list. The more selective programs such as Pitt probably have fewer spots open for transfer, because they have fewer students dropping out of nursing.

My daughter’s nursing program is not highly selective, but they announced they won’t be taking any transfers, even from within their own college.

Why do you want to transfer?

I don’t like my school overall. The student body is a very specific kind of people and I don’t work too well with them. I also would like to challenge myself more, since a lot of my classmates are struggling with our courses while I find them easier. My current school also does not have clinicals at major hospitals where I could make connections for future jobs.

Yes, I’m really worried about the nursing school selectivity. I feel as though every nursing program is very selective though, especially those that have good clinical partners like what I am looking for.

There are some less selective programs - particularly at lesser known private colleges in PA. Look for one that is near a larger hospital. For example, Alvernia is near the very large Reading Hospital complex. For undergrad nursing, you really don’t need clinicals at a prestigious hospital.