Nursing vs. Intergrative Neuroscience

My daughter is trying to decide what major to select for her Binghamton application. She is thinking of either nursing or integrative neuroscience. Both majors have similar requirements so it should not be to difficult to switch if she changes her mind in the first semester. We were hoping someone could recommend if one major/school is easier to switch to than the other. For example, how difficult is it to do an internal transfer to the Decker School of Nursing? Should we start there vs. integrative neuroscience? Or are both equal? As far as which she prefers she is still confused. Thanks!

The nursing program is solid so if she wants to be a nurse it is a great option. Decker is a smaller school and students have a good deal of support and resources. I would recommend it. Now integrative Neuroscience is through harpur. To be honest it is basically a psych BS with a few extra classes. There are a lot of students in this program and some classes can be very large.

To be honest I would recommend applying to the nursing program because the career prospect s straight out of school are better. Neuroscience might be a better option if she is dead set on grad school but this is really early. And what happens at Binghamton is if you don’t get into the nursing they let you into harpur instead. You can switch from decker to harpur but you can’t really do the opposite.