<p>Hey guys,
Like the thread title states, I'd like to know what my chances are for getting a place in NUS/NTU.
I've applied for Electrical and Electronic Engineering
I'm not exactly that great in the CCA part, my participation is limited to school level so yeah.
Academically, I study under CBSE (Indian Board of Education)
10th Grade : CGPA 9.8/10 [NUS said this doesnt really matter, but anyway)</p>
<p>SAT 1 : 2010
Math :790</p>
<p>SAT Subject Test
Physics 800
Maths level 2 800
Chemistry 800</p>
<p>and for 12th grade, results will be out in May, I'm expecting around 94-96%
What do you guys think? I desperately need to get in xD
and my application will start processing only after my actual results are submitted yeah?
also would it be possible for me to get the SIA NOL scholarship/ nanyang scholarship/ College Scholarship with these results? like I said,CCA isnt good at all ><</p>
<p>Please do tell me what you think
Thanks a lot :D</p>
<p>i think most of the people coming to this board are Singaporeans looking to go to the US for education. you’d best be asking another forum.</p>
<p>hey that said, you might want to increase your sat scores…a lot of scholars who come here have scary high sat scores(at least those ive talked to). also, ntu is a safer bet than nus as entry to nus is more competitive. just apply to both unless you are really lacking the funds…also, we have this tuition grant for internationals</p>
<p><a href=“https://tgonline.moe.gov.sg/tgis/normal/studentViewServiceObligationSubsidyInfo.action[/url]”>TGIS;
<p>but you gotta work here for 3 years after graduation. good luck with admissions man!</p>
<p>Thanks for your replies
really appreciate them,
Yes I’m aware of the tuition grant, and I feel that the workbond is actually like a bonus to the whole thing. I think Singapore is a wonderful place to be at 
And about the SAT scores, both the websites state that it’s not required for Indian Standard 12 qualification, I’d give it again but I’m currently involved with my final Year 12 exams, and have other Indian entrance examinations soon afterwards.
Yes, I’ve applied to both, thanks for your wishes ;)</p>
<p>OH by the way the work bond ISNT a guaranteed job! You still have to find employment on your own…But with a degree from NUS or NTU its definitely not going to be a problem =D</p>
<p>Do post here or PM if you got in!</p>
<p>guys what the minimum you need to get into nus with scholarship for engineering</p>