<p>I have applied to both NUS and NTU. I am an Indian student and have studied under CBSE curriculum. I secured 10 CGPA in grade 10 and 94.4% in grade 12.
I have applied for Computer engg. and computing. In NTU, I have applied for the same but have also applied for a dual degree for both with a business minor.
My 12th grade marks:
Chem: 91 :( (Does this hurt my chances?)
Maths :98
English: 93
Computer Science: 96</p>
<p>My SAT 2 scores:
Maths Level 2:780
Physics: 710</p>
I represented the gulf zone in CBSE nationals. I have won various medals (gold, silver and bronze) while representing my school in the zonals and clusters.</p>
<p>What are my chances of securing an admission in NUS or NTU?</p>
<p>I have the exact same question lol . My Marks
Chem -97
Physics - 97
Math -96
EngliSH -90 
CS - 98</p>
<p>I am also planning to take computers , and I am from Dubai .
I guess our chances are pretty good in NTU , but NUS might be a bit off our league .
Either way both schools are good compared to those in India .</p>
<p>Hi5! I’m from Dubai too 
Wow! Congrats on your marks!
That’s what even I have heard. NUS is obviously better but I really don’t mind NTU too :D</p>
<p>It would be awesome
(Check Inbox for my school)
I’m basically desperate. I’m trying to get some information from wherever I can 
When does it come usually?
FB page for NUS/NTU or college confidential?</p>
<p>I’m curious to know when it comes out too.
From what they told me on the phone a couple of months ago, end june.</p>
<p>Well NTU came out. Did any of you get into NTU?
I got rejected :/</p>
<p>Yup me too , apparently 95.6 % isnt enough :(</p>
<p>It seems the cut-off was around 97% for CBSE this year.
I heard that a person with 98.75% in ISC didn’t get through :O</p>