<p>Well, tall blondes would likely have an advantage over the short blondes.</p>
<p>The short blondes who don't need the money do gymnastics. ;)</p>
<p>Someone mentioned a while back a programme that taught inner-city kids to play squash, a coveted sport among Ivy League admissions. Anyone have info on that?</p>
<p>It surprises me that women "control" 60% of the wealth. How do you define that? Considering the 76 cents to the dollar (no matter how you cut it), I find that nearly impossible to believe. The only way that could be is either because there are more women than men from age 30 on up, but that doesn't mean we are more wealthy. In fact, one of the biggest problems is the feminisation of poverty. </p>
<p>Nevertheless, women "use" money in a different way from men. I hate the stereotypes of women being all nurturing and homey - really, people, let's get over it. That doesn't change the fact that men have less problems using their money to promote what they want, whereas women aren't really trained to use money as a negotiating tool.</p>
<p>How do women control wealth--marriage and death.</p>
<p>I think you may be right. But the 80+ rich widows are not likely to be donating to sports--at least not the current generation because most of them did not participate in sports to a large degree when they were in college. Things may change (and men may also lengthen their life spans :))</p>
<p>Fewer people are marrying. Married men live longer; married women die sooner. So actually, the gap will widen. (I might suggest that men should plan on living a long time - in the mid-70s, the male/female ratio is 1:4. With all of those casseroles, you'll never have to go to the grocery store and can enjoy the life of a sultan... or the Hugh Hefner of the senior citizen set. :) )</p>
<p>You sound a little bitter, are you divorced? :)</p>
<p>It's just the facts from the website I linked. I am married. As we are the same age and both in good health overall I expect my wife to outlive me by 5 years or so. Just the odds.</p>