NYU Admissions Forum

<p>Hey, I tried visiting the NYU Admissions Forum where we are meant to ask our questions about NYU but it has been 'permanently closed.' Does anyone know why? How would I get into contact with UG Admissions department to ask them a question?</p>

<p>Email them directly. They respond in good time too :)</p>

<p>Do you mind sharing the email you used to contact them Audrey?</p>

<p>Sure thing.</p>

<p>Since I am applying to the Stern school, I emailed them at <a href=ā€œmailto:sternuc@stern.nyu.eduā€>sternuc@stern.nyu.edu</a></p>

<p>If you are applying to one of the other schools, then just search their particular section of the website for contact details :)</p>

<p>Iā€™m applying there as well, thanks for that Audrey!</p>