<p>My friend was telling me the other day that theres tension between NYU and Columbia students, but for some reason I've always thought that they got along great...? Which is it?</p>
<p>its the students that you’re talking about.
not the schools.
and thats very personal, and really depends which specific ones you’re talking about.
i mean, its just like your school, im sure you get alone with some just fine and not so good with the others.</p>
<p>Do people of such high academic caliber really have “tension” among each other?! I wouldn’t give a $hit if someone mocked me for going to NYU. Please.</p>
<p>The two schools are practically on opposite sides of the island, so there isn’t any direct day-to-day tension between the two schools. It’s mostly on an individual level and it doesn’t define the school body. Yes, Columbia is the more famous of the two and it’s an Ivy League but most students around here don’t wrap their heads around other schools’ image 24/7.</p>
<p>you mean “that school up there”? (my friends and i joke around about Columbia, mainly because we were all soundly rejected when we applied there!)</p>
<p>we never see people from Columbia. we have a consortium with them, they can use our library and we can use theirs, but we hardly ever see them. we’re in Greenwich Village and they’re up in Harlem, practically.</p>
<p>it’s not like we’ll bust out into West Side Story type fights with them on the street. if anything, it’s the schools themselves that are competitive. i know people at Columbia and they’re totally cool and down to earth.</p>