NYU biochem--> UC?!

<p>i am a sophomore at nyu right now and i applied to UCberkeley, UCdavis, and UCsanta barbara as a biochem major. I am from california... If that has any effect on my admissions, but im wondering if anyone can let me know if i have any advantage since i go to nyu, how do the admissions ppl view this? I applied as a biochem major but just started sciences this year, last year i was planning on a different major so am taking genchem and bio this year. Please let me know your thoughts on my chances. I have a 3.5 gpa-- will it weigh heavier in their minds since i go to nyu (In comparison to a cc student with a similar or higher gpa)</p>

<p>No you are at a disadvantage instead.</p>

<p>It is a state schools and as a state school priority is given to CC students.</p>

<p>i know that i have an overall disadvantage coming from an out-of-state school, but since the school is NYU as opposed to an out-of-state cc or state school…?</p>

<p>I’m thinking I have no chance at Berkeley, maybe at Davis, and hopefully UCSB
am i being reasonable?</p>

<p>Ok here is what will determine your chances </p>

<p>having at least 60 semester units
completing the PREQ for your major, which you will have to guess on but you can also use assist.org for the basics as to what that is for your major
Having the majority of the general education requirements done
having a good essay
Having work or extra curriculars </p>

<p>The fact that you want to transfer from NYU is not going to give you any points. </p>

<p>In order to be competative for UCSB for example you should complete the following courses for the Biochem BS </p>

<p>General Chem 1 and 2 (1 year sequence) with lab
Organic Chem 1 and 2 ( 1 year sequence) with lab
Calculus 1 and 2 ( 2 parts of a 3 part sequence)
Linear Algebra
Differential Equations
Physics for Sciences 1 and 2 ( 1 year sequence with lab)
Biology (1 year sequence with labs)</p>

<p>For Berkeley there is no Biochem Major so for Chemical Biology you will need courses at least equal to the following at berkeley
MATH 1A + 1B<br>
PHYSICS 7A or 8A<br>
Plus two additional courses toward the major.</p>

<p>For UC davis
[ASSIST</a> Report: GMCC 08-09 UCD Articulation Agreement by Major](<a href=“Welcome to ASSIST”>Welcome to ASSIST).</p>

<p>Now keep in mind this is the requirments for california community college transfers, BUT the courses do not change for any other transfers anyways, its is easy to tell what type of courses to take by looking at this list. </p>

<p>So to make a long story short, to be competative you need to have those major preqs done</p>