NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

same for me, but i think it’s the case for everyone

when you share your stats do you refer the cumulative gpa or the gpa at the point of application?
i’ve always wondered which one it is… my cumulative gpa is 4.15 but my gpa at the point of applying to nyu is 4.57
this is bc i had low grades in 9th grade as i suddenly moved away from my home country and went to an international school for the first time which made me go through tough times but my grades kept showing an upward trend and i ended up getting a ib weighted gpa of 4.57
which one does nyu look into the most?

what is cummulative gpa and is that calculated by colleges if I don’t have it?

Yes, most colleges will calculate it for you. That’s why most of them ask for a SRAR.

Oh, I didn’t know that, thank you.

thanks for the reply

may I ask, if not called for an interview, is it sort of bad sign?
thank you

I don’t think NYU conducts interviews for admission. I’m not sure if they conduct interviews for MLK scholars or other special programs.

thanks for the reply,

I heard about someone got to be interviewed by nyu (also MIT etc),
I know she has great stats

so I was worried, but yeah I need not,
thanks for your reply

Does anyone know anything about MLK Scholars? Like how much is the scholarship? How many people apply/get in? I think there used to be an on-campus interview weekend, if I’m not mistaken (saw it on YouTube a while ago)?

Here’s a link with all the info: The Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholars Program at NYU.

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yep, i have spring in dc, summer in nyc

For some reason, it doesn’t even let me log in to the housing portal.

I can’t get into the status portal at all now…

I can get in fine. Weird.

can you pls post the link you are using?

I can get in fine if we are talking about the applicant portal

I’m able to get into the one through NYU home, but the second one from housing.nyu.edy says “Login to StarRez Portal Failed. Reason: Login Error. Please Try Again.”

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same here

If I try to access through NYU Home, then click on Albert, the system hangs up

mine is working fine and says "if you’ve been offered admission you will click her… blah blah blah