NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I feel like that can’t be the case. They’re uploading decisions in waves so that the system doesn’t crash so it makes sense that thye upload the decisions in even groups if that makes any sense. Also people have different housing indicators and some stern emails work.

I really like the way you phrased this :smiley:

me too

very true. they have to upload like 83k decisions for RD it’ll take a while.

Does the NYU Advising Portal mean anything?
I have 1 button summer only + academic year 2021 waitlist undergraduate, and I cannot log in the portal.
My friend who has 1 button spring + summer also cannot log in.

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It seems like a glitch. If it were meanigful, it would line up with the housing indicators, like the stern email trick


Try this link bud it’ll work

i got 1 button plus summer spring and I can log into the cas portal before it kicks me out. Doesn’t mean anything

for anyone that does log in to the portal, can you stay or does it keep kicking you out?

kicks me out.

what does ur portal look like?

I can stay

hey guys do we have an idea of what time decisions will be out on wednesday?

do u spring+summer on the housing portal?


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Will they email us soon about the release time? Or will they just release decisions on Wednesday with no warning?

thank youu :smiley:

Ya. I clicked the back button and then the portal allows me to stay and look through stuff

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if u can stay in the portal, i think it prob means acceptance for cas