NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

they just haven’t uploaded ur decision yet to the portal

don’t worry a couple of people said earlier that sometimes it updates right before and sometimes even when it updates it can change

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also according to the poll ^ majority of the people have 1 button so maybe 2 buttons isn’t an automatic rejection hmm idk

Total application is > 100 K at NYU and they have already offered 2+ K acceptance in ED. The overall acceptance in RD will be < 5% this year.

BU that announced last week with total acceptance <4%.The number of acceptance will be less than number of responses (2,300+) to the this thread.

Let us forget about two button or three buttons logic and focus on some other colleges::frowning::thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

well bois we are completely outta ideas

My D21 has summer only with option of NYC or Abu Dhabi… how about you?

Hi guys, I found this in the forum of RD 2024

"So I found this golden post from @czrtt of 2022

"Lemme go ahead and list these things out bc it tends to get convoluted and repetitive as each year’s thread parrots the same exact thing. You guys can fact check me by going into last year’s ED I thread and comparing changes to acceptances; you can see in people’s post histories.

NOT indicators:
FA change (THIS CHANGE HAS BEEN CONSIDERED UNRELIABLE SINCE THE CLASS OF 2020, if you go into last year’s thread, there were many people who got this change and were rejected–check their post history of you want confirmation)
Orgsync login
Housing change involving email, ID, or application tab
Bookstore login
Classes login

Housing status change to “freshman,” from the day before decisions are released all the way up to about 30 minutes before (even so, some people claim to have not gotten it yet still got accepted)

I feel like I see the same things in each thread, and there is only one consistent factor: housing. Literally every single other change has had no correlation whatsoever to decisions. If I forgot any, let me know and I’ll try and add onto this post. I’m just trying to save a whole lot of reading for next year’s applicants and save some brain cells for us. No use in repeating the same mistakes as last year’s class; use this time to get some much needed sleep and study for your finals~~~we’re in the homestretch guys, hope everyone gets the decision they want!!!"

Edit: So I spent like 30mins(haha) on the EDI and EDII forums of the 2024/2023/2022. Lots of people who got accepted didn’t get any housing changes or FA changes. Their message to us(future applicants) was that changes aren’t indicators of admissions, and we shouldn’t worry about it!"



did you find anything in there regarding the stern indicator?

I surely hope NYU students are not as obsessive as the people on this forum… very unhealthy I’d say.



I mean they’ll still accept around 13k applicants total. The acceptance rate will most likely be around 10-15%. If you check NYU’s common data set, they’ve been admitting the same amount of people for over 10 years, the only thing that changes is the number of applicants that apply.


I think we’re all gonna be suprised when we hit that view update button

in which sense?

well alot of people either believe in indicators and dont so one of the parties will be heavily shocked at the results, also the people who thought they could never get in might get in type of beat

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Please don’t spread misinformation. Probably not your intent but BU’s acceptance rate was not 4%. You used the number of people they intend to enroll in their class out of the total applications. They haven’t released how many they have admitted yet. Remember, they admit a lot more than they enroll. It’s going to be around 15-18% most likely total.


My buttons just left, both of em 0.0


Can someone explain the two button thing in the application portal?

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bro why can’t i log into my portal it keeps saying access denied