NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

a lot of people are on spring break right now though :joy:


what??? mine starts this friday, maybe because im on the east coast

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east coast?? NY has spring break this week

my entire insta feed is miami

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im in NJ, in my area pretty much everyone starts on friday. we’re not getting cheated out of good friday this year which im very thankful for lol

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NY didn’t have that :joy: :joy: :joy: :sob: :sob: :sob:

awww rip : ( it’s still super cold too next week is gonna be much nicer

what school did you apply to?

a lot of private schools are the last 2 weeks of march whereas public schools have different breaks depending on the state (ik in NY public school spring break doesnt line up w private school spring break)

I’m having trouble following the multiple indicators floating around right now… can someone explain the general consensus on what each combo of buttons means

i applied to 18, i’m 7/10 so far. got waitlisted by BU, rejected by MIT (dream :frowning: ) and northeastern. got into rutgers NB with honors, fordham rose hill w/ honors, stevens as a pinnacle scholar, UCONN honors and they gave me trash financial aid, NJIT, William Paterson, and stony brook. so far stevens is my best option followed by rutgers since they gave me the best financial aid

2 buttons - nothing yet

1 button + summer + academic first year - acceptance
1 button + spring + summer + academic waitlist undergrad - acceptance but WL for housing or something
1 button + spring + summer - reject/waitlist
1 button + summer - no one rlly knows bc some ppl can click buttons to get academic year from that and some cant

*this is all theory tho so take it w a grain of salt


oh wow, did u apply to CAS?

nope i applied to tandon! im going for chemical engineering everywhere, once i decide on a school im pretty sure i’ll tack on a CS minor too.

thank you

Does this apply for commuters?

some commuters said they have stuff in their housing portal, and I saw someone once say that it does apply for commuters since when u say ur commuter ur just indicating that intention and its not official that ur a commuter student, but im not 100% ofc

It applies to commuters, I applied as a commuter and had positive indicators during ED II and was accepted.

if it makes u feel better for people with only summer we were one of the first bunch to be updated so maybe its a good sign

oh yeah mine now says travel arrangements and i applied as a commuter. wasn’t there before, do we think that’s good?