NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Waitlist undergrad is actually a good sign based on previous threads

dg0313–what did previous threads say? There are so many comments–hard to track them all.

I can’t link them all but take my word for it; those that got in ed typically had waitlist undergrad in their portals

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Also, do your kids have different stats, applied to different programs, etc?

Yes–one is a performer, the other one a visual artist.

did the tisch one have the undergrad box?

they are both Tisch.

omg, here is hoping you are right dg0313. thank you–we needed some good news around here today.

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hows the stats looking professor

we have 14 summer only or with academic year, giving us an “acceptance rate” of 24.5%. every single thursday only has summer, while only 1 monday update gave a housing indication of only summer. this may be one of those students who was borderline.

about half of our fridays have summer while the others have spring/summer, which shows “rejections” may have started to come out in waves on friday. pretty similar to before overall though, nothing very note-worthy. i think the data just proves the wave theory of mainly acceptances first followed by rejections

i do think that acceptance rate does sound about right for this forum. the average CC student has higher stats than the average NYU applicant so it makes sense for it to be higher


man we just need give the people something. we need answers. too bad we dont have alot of people

ill try to repost it again tomorrow, hopefully tomorrow we start getting those freshmen indicators on the portal!


good work professor

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Not sure if this indicates anything, but here is an example of someone who had “Waitlist Undergraduate” and ended up being waitlisted ED…



Could very well be a coincidence, but idk

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it showed that alot of people got waitlisted sheesh also tisch gpa requirements are low… bless for me cuz mine isnt the highest

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Thank you–we will take the w/l

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Do you by chance know what the average gpa for Tisch is?

That’s true, the waitlist undergrad thing also applied to a few waitlisted applicants. Please remember that these indicators are not 100% accurate; not every person with waitlist undergrad will get accepted, but not all will be waitlisted.

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I know someone who got in with a 3.3 so take that as hope cuz i did

I heard they care alot more about ur audition its like 50% of ur whole decision