NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I like and dislike at the same time that it’s in NYC. I am torn about wanting a true college campus experience vs commuting to NYU.


THANK YOU for changing the topic, we need to haha! I both love and am afraid of NYU’s largeness and socially independent environment (NYU literally has 40 times more people than in my school haha)!

NYU was the first college that had a major that I really wanted. It has everything I want, except a college campus and traditional college life. My statistics are far below what they are looking for, so I’m not holding my breath. If not for undergraduate, maybe graduate school I can attend NYU.

Hahah, if I were to get into NYU , I would be a commuter student. I’ve basically grown up in the city and love it. I see how it can be overwhelming at first but there’s so much stuff to do and see that there’s no doubt it’ll be great. There’s something here for everyone regardless of your interests.

Best of luck to you. Even though NYU doesn’t have a traditional campus , a lot of their buildings surround Washington Square Park . I kind of think of the park like the center of it all!

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Hey was wondering if anyone would answer my question(s). So I applied to NYU as an IR major. Do you guys think that’s a pretty common major? Also do you think NYU is selective about how many students they let in per major or how many students they let in per school within the entire university? Trying to gauge my chances of admittance based on how competitive my major is. lol Thanks in advance.

would I be missing out much if I lived in an apartment maybe 20 mins metro away from campus?

They admit by school not major I believe

Definitely not

“Candidates are accepted on the basis of predicted success in the specific programs in which they are interested. We do not review students for any programs except those in which they have expressed interest on their application.”

Source: Decision Information

“Primary Program of Interest
Students who are really only interested in one school, college, or campus at NYU should list this as their primary program of interest. All students are reviewed for their primary program of interest, and considered among the other applicants for that program. Indicating that a program, particularly one of our smaller or newer programs, like NYU Shanghai, the Liberal Studies Core Curriculum, or NYU Abu Dhabi, is a student’s primary program of interest is a great way to show the admissions committee that the student is really enthusiastic about this program.”
Source: Decision Information
Primary program means school/campus not major

Hi guys, NYU applicant here. Was just curious if other people have a column titled: “upload materials”?

The description it gives me is: “Select the supporting material from the drop down menu and upload. Please ensure that required transcripts and test scores are sent from an official source as soon as possible.”

It’s weird cause I already uploaded all my necessary documents via my school already, but now NYU is asking me to upload them again? (official documents)

If anyone could shed some light on this issue I’d be really grateful!

That sounds like they are reviewing your application and want to know more. That’s great! Do they have your transcript showing 1st semester grades? Maybe that is why they are asking.

I thought test scores were waived this year? Do they need official test scores of our AP’s? I only put on the Common App and SRAR

My school already sent in my first semester grades in January - February. Unsure why they would ask me to send them in again. I guess my question is does anybody have a similar issue as mine?

Pretty sure everyone has that. I do as well. Most college portals have a space to upload additional materials.


Okay I see. I was unsure as in addition to the two additional buttons everyone has, I have this extra column when you scroll down from your application checklist below the financial aid thingy. Thought perhaps I didn’t submit new materials or smth :sweat:

yeah, i’m pretty sure this is the place where you should upload in case there are any documents awaiting in your checklist, everyone has it! :))

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Thanks for all the clarifications!

Did anyone apply for Journalism ?