NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

This is what I see when I log in

I was wondering the same thing. I’m scared that it would look badly if I updated my preference right now, but I’m mainly focused on the NY campus.

is this housing info for people that have already been admitted ?

I can too. Does that mean anything or is just random?

Mine is the same.

uhh hi guys i was playing around and i almost accidentally applied for 2021 summer housing: idk if it means anything.

Mine looks similar except it says that I need to log in and it doesn’t work to log in, I think its probably random and doesn’t mean anything

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probably not. i’m logged in though which is why it’s weird … gotta stop doing this to myself😆

it looks like that for me too and im logged in

I was able to get here too

yeah so i kept clicking thru the housing stuff and now i’m at the stage where u have to pay $500 (i’m not gonna do that) but they had all my info autofilled. i’ll just stop bc it probably means nothing but that was just weird

I was able to get here by going to the other Link and pressing NYU New York for summer 2021 and then it let me log in

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I feel you

A lot have people have been speculating that the same indicators for ED1 and ED2 won’t exist for RD because of the update to the housing portal and because apparently applicants from the ED2 round emailed admissions about it. I think it’s better that way… I would rather just find out when decisions are officially out.


They had on their insta story yesterday that it would be April 1!


i can, does it mean anything?

I don’t think so bc this morning I couldn’t but now I can after messing w it a bit

GPA: UW:3.76 W:4.5 (10 APS)
SAT/ACT: didnt submit
Class Rank: 19/315
School/Major: Nursing
EC’s: tons of stuff but I highlighted: Worked for a non-profit, volunteered at a hospital, part of the teen photography program with photos in multiple galleries, NHS, SHS, Asian American Club, and varsity soccer team captain.

mine is similar but I also have “academic year application” in addition to the summer housing/travel arrangements

can someone chance me please? sorry I know you guys were doing this earlier but I just found this forum
GPA: UW:3.76 W:4.5 (10 APS)
SAT/ACT: didn’t submit
Class Rank: 19/315
School/Major: Nursing
EC’s: tons of stuff but I highlighted: Worked for a non-profit, volunteered at a hospital, part of the teen photography program with photos in multiple galleries, NHS, SHS, Asian American Club, and varsity soccer team captain.

Thank you :smiley: