NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Any thoughts?

Didn’t see anything. Before I opened the update, all I saw was my personal info and NYU’s Twitter feed. Maybe I wasn’t looking in the right place?

Accepted to Tandon!

GPA: 95.41
SAT/ACT: no test scores
Class Rank: Top 20% in class of 1,000
School/Major: Computer Science & Environmental Science
EC’s: President of two clubs and vice president of another. Along with that I’m three other clubs without having leadership positions. I also had internships/jobs for every year I was in HS

Does anyone know if there’s a specific queue for waitlist? Like if I confirm my spot on the waitlist today vs in a week?

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Hey guys I was just waitlisted by NYU. Does anyone know the acceptance rate for waitlisted students or is there not a specific percentage?


bye why are they waitlisting everybody! anyways portal indicators were correct for me!

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they need protect their yield rate and bc of the uncertainty of the pandemic, they don’t know how many ppl will commit

it doesn’t matter when u fill it in as soon as u do:) the waitlist has no order
also take ur time to fill it in!! -an ed1 waitlist


how much did anyone get for gallatin scholarship? I got $18700

thank you!!!

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Accepted into NYU Tisch Drama BFA!
I had both Summer 2021 and Academic Year in my housing portal, so indicators were correct :))

where did you get your scholarship notification?

did u get off the waitlist by any chance?

nopeee, been on it since december but they aren’t clearing it up until after deposit day bc they need to know how many ppl commit before they even pay attention to the waitlist

Does anyone know what the Liberal Studies Scholarship is? It shows I got it on my financial aid and it was for $38,900

(so after may 1st it will start to clear up)

Got accepted !! with scholarship !! . Housing portal had summer only. BTW I never got an email about status update, I just logged onto my portal and it was updated.

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I looked at my financial aid offer on albert and it was listed there under merit scholarships

I got that too, I have no idea what It means but I’m not complaining :joy:

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it looks like each school has their own need-based scholarship? tandon scholarship varies in amount so its probably a need based one. i cant imagine its merit since i didnt submit an SAT score lol