NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Some people on reddit still have both spring and summer

Yeah mine is still Spring and Summer but my portal hasn’t changed. It still has the Covid info and the two buttons.

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still got both my buttons and academic year 2021-2022 in the housing portal

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Same. No changes yet I wonder if they’re doing it by region or school?

does two buttons mean rejected/waitlisted?

probably by region since diff AOs work at different rates, or theres just no method to this madness lol

it supposedly means a decision hasnt been made yet

I have no basis for this, purely conjecture, but it seems weird that even the buttons wouldn’t disappear even if you were rejected/waitlisted. That is still a decision and they wouldn’t accept any additional information. But again, I really have no idea.

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yea im pretty sure the logic is if u have 2 buttons then a decision hasnt been made yet, and once those buttons do go away then ur housing portal indicator will tell u if u got in or if u didnt

Also, someone on R*eddit just said that they have Summer 2021 and Stern email didn’t work.

anyone else from nyc or any other cas applicants still have both buttons? i’m trying to see if they’re doing it by region/school or if it’s random.

yeah you’re probably right. It’s not like the AO’s are working 24/7. plus its not even 9am for me yet.

I’m CAS and from PA and still have both buttons

Yup. Im from NJ/NYC area and have both buttons.

nj cas, still have both buttons

I have 2 buttons, Washington DC, no changes

the stern email is not working for me, still have both buttons too lol

so maybe the northeast region decisions haven’t been made yet? i know i’m splitting hairs LOL!

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I’m Chicago and nothing’s changed for me yet

nyc cas, both buttons, academic year 2021-2022 housing