NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

oh i’m sorry to hear :((
no matter where you end up, i’m sure you’ll succeed. nyu isn’t everything

Rejected :frowning: a little hurt, I thought I’d at least be waitlisted. Thought my why NYU essay was a banger but I guess not. But congrats to all of y’all who got in!! :))

Just as an overview, 3.8 UW and 5 W, test optional, 2 internships and other p good ECs. Also amazing semester one senior year grades. Kinda bummed still.

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anybody know the acceptance rate?

Dropped to around 15%

Daughter was waitlisted for Stern. This was not one of her top choices and it is too expensive anyways. She has some great options with good merit aid. Goodluck to all.

really thought it would be lower sheesh

I’m seriously hoping they’ll take alot more from the waitlist this year :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


i hope u get it!

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The process makes no sense, congrats on USC!

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I was waitlisted from the ED1 rounds, do we think they will be accepting many from the waitlist this year? Is there anyone here who got in but doesn’t think they will attend?

wow–15k students in their incoming class??

Rejected for CAS, which was expected. For future reference: had 2 buttons, Spring/Summer on housing portal.

Nah, 15% of applicants are accepted. Was around 30% years ago, and will continue to drop as more and more people apply each year

ya, but 15% is 15k students that have been accepted (100k applied)

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Where’d you get 15% from? I heard the acceptance rate was in the single digits this year

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v late but waitlisted for CAS​:upside_down_face::upside_down_face: i had a 3.89 UW gpa and it was like 4.36 weighted. pretty strong ECs, lots of volunteer hours, test optional. my why NYU essay wasn’t good though and i’m assuming that played a part lol i kinda thought i’d get rejected so i didn’t try on it- now i wish i did!!

How do you know its 15%? Source?

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Daughter Admitted for Steinhardt Music Technology. Wants to minor in Digital Media or Interactive Media Arts. Need to review financial aid to see if this makes fiscal sense.

Did any of you apply for Tandon Integrated Digital Media? If so, what did high school and extra curriculars look like. My daughter did both AP Comp Science, with a 5 on Principles exam. Also has Intro Comp Sci and a Video Game & Multimedia Dev course in high school, plus summer precollege program, Coursera courses on game design/development, and some Microsoft workshops. At school Comp Sci club, plus music technology activities and computer music creation. Not sure if that’s enough. Good luck on your results.

Not sure how credible this is but a good estimate for the 2020 admissions cycle. Probably lower for our cycle tbh