NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I am wondering the same

Not yet.

My son (class of 2024) got $22k in aid. It is not grade based or commuting based. We confirmed you get it regardless of living on campus or not. If you go part time it is reduced.

Congrats to your daughter on her acceptance to NYU! That said, very very few colleges seriously entertain financial aid appeals, and NYU is notorious for not being super generous with theirs. UNC-CH is a fabulous option, and an excellent value, so congrats on that as well!

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Just confirmed the same thing with the fin aid office. Thanks for the reply!

Have any admitted students received any emails/updates from NYU? I’m afraid my email isn’t working for whatever reason

my daughter received only the email saying there was an update to her admissions. She then went on their portal and saw options to sign up for the virtual tours etc. No other emails have been sent to her.

Alright thanks, no need to worry I guess

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Did you get work-study, Pell-grant, and TAP money?

I did find by searching around their site a page that was posted yesterday. “Admitted Student Events: Designed with You in Mind”. They have a “home for the weekend” event for students on 4/10-4/11. There were many other events and details on this page. Also a parent event. In order to actually sign up for any student items it directs you to the Home Base. It had a lot of details. Everything directs you back to Home Base as a student. I was surprised there was no other email but it seems like there is a lot of info if you can find it.

I actually just got an email from them about “next steps”. And yeah, Home Base has a lot of stuff to sort through.

Wow the acceptance rate this year was 12.8%!


The average SAT score :hushed:

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“The acceptance rate for three undergraduate colleges was in the single digits” I guess CAS and Stern got to around 5-8%? Not sure what the other would be. Either way, very selective this year.

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for those that would like to, drop your instagrams to make a gc, I want to get to know the people I shared my anxiety with these 4 months :joy:



also 12.8% thats insane. they admitted 16k kids out of the 100k thats so wow

I was just going on to mention this. My d21 just got this email too. Lots of info. It is good to receive this level of communication

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Insta: __ .parriss_

“Is it possible to leverage my Berkeley financial aid at NYU. I really like NYU and would love to attend but the price tag is the only thing holding me back. My EFC is 0 btw so financial aid is huge for me.”

NYU is supposedly not that great wrt Financial Aid, but it can’t hurt to appeal and use the UCB letter. I have been on both campuses and they’re very different and $60K over four years is lot, esp if it’s mainly with loans.


Quick question did anyone get HEOP or heard from them? :thinking: