NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

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congratulations!!! :partying_face: did they all come out at once?

Is the MLK scholarship a full ride?

i’m not sure. I just got an email saying my status was updated. maybe log into your portal.

its based on full demonstrated need, so everyone’s will be different.

like the nyu albert portal?

I got it through the actual application portal. like where the initial decisions come out.

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You are more likely to get an increase in aid by focusing on the EFC/affordability aspect than trying to “leverage” Cal, imo. (They may infer a different word than “leverage”.) From past years forums, it seems FA appeals are mostly but not always denied, and when they are approved it is unlikely to be more than a few thousand a year extra. No harm trying.


As for record high SAT - I expect that is is highly skewed by being test optional this year. Last year was 1500.

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Probably right, I didn’t consider that

I still cant see MLK results?? I logged onto my portal and theres nothing

Are scholarships still being distributed? I did not get any merit scholarship, and could really use some to help with attending…

Also, anyone know what the Stern acceptance rate was this year? Curious to see what the numbers were / when they release that info.

Insta is nburns_25 by the way. Would love to get to know yall

NYU Admits its Most Diverse Freshman Class.

Yes, but every school accepts more people than they can fit in their class because they know some kids who will get accepted will not attend. For example, if the class size is 6-7k (which I think it is for NYU), they will accept much more than that to ensure that the class is filled. If it isn’t, they accept people from the waitlist.

Guys I got the MLK scholarship


I thought full demonstrated need of l MLK scholars are met. But so far I can only see Tandon scholarship($15k) in my fin aid portal which hardly meets my demonstrated need.

was anyone else accepted to the presidential honors scholars program??? what’s it like/is it worth it?? i’d almost ruled nyu out for being too expensive after seeing my fa but phsp sounds super cool and i’m wondering if i should reconsider.


Same question

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Congrats! I got accepted there too. Since you got accepted into NYUSH, the Shanghai campus will be the campus you spend most of your time at. Once you graduate, you’ll get both the regular NYU degree and a Chinese one. It’s pretty different from NYC imo but you should look into what other ppl have said abt the school. I watched a lot of youtube videos and read through forums during the application process and most of the differences are centered around the culture and location. The school is half Chinese nationals and half international students (US included) and it’s mandatory that you have a roommate from mainland China for freshman year (at least i think so). That’s just one of the big things that you should think about if you decide to go but if you do, I hope you like it there :slight_smile: