NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

You seem to be a very viable candidate! Best of luck!

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That literally made me so happy bc just received not the best news from another college! Best of luck to you too : D


Can someone chance me? I’d greatly appreciate it.
GPA: 4.5 W (we don’t do UW)
SAT/ACT: didn’t submit
8 honors, 3 AP
Submitted AP scores: 3 on AP Lang and 4 on APUSH (taking AP Calc in May)
School: CAS/Pre-Professional Medical Track
Didn’t submit class rank, but I am in the top 21% out of a very competitive 371.
I have over 300+ community service hours, I
I am apart of three varsity teams, and
I volunteered in a hospital for 3 months for 4hrs 1x a week
I think I have solid EC’s and a good NYU essay — I talked about how I loved that it didn’t have a closed campus and you could meet people around the world. I also sent an update letter showing my continued interest and explaining why NYU was a perfect fit for me, citing their prestigious pre-med program and their awesome study abroad program (I want to go somewhere that usually isn’t offered by most colleges but is offered by NYU).
I am super scared… I got denied from my other reach schools :frowning:

Do you know if we have to submit tests scores if we didn’t submit SAT or ACT. Like upload a screen shot of AP scores? My AP scores are listed in the SAR and on my common app

I think you have a solid shot! However, top 21% isn’t great (schools like NYU usually like to see top 10%), and course rigor isn’t super high (unless that is all that is offered by your school). Your EC’s seem good, though nothing out of the ordinary. Your Why NYU essay seems fine but is likely a common topic. The CAS is a pretty selective school, and will probably be in the single digits in acceptance rate this year. However, I am wishing you the very best of luck! Hopefully if you don’t get in to the CAS, you will get into their Liberal Studies that you can then transfer out of into the CAS. Hoping for the best for you! You’ll get into a school that is great for you!

I thought ED is tomorrow (2/20) at least for Gallatin.

Thank you so much!! I really appreciate your thorough insight. I thankfully didn’t have to submit my class rank so I don’t think they will see. Thank you so much again that was very very insightful and helpful. My school does not offer AP until my junior year.

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I think you have a good chance! I feel like this year, the essay matters the most!!! I didn’t submit any test scores and I had a really low gpa (top 40%) and I somehow got into CAS… :fearful:

Omg congrats!! I am so happy for you! You probably had a very strong application to compensate for the GPA. I’m glad NYU looks beyond the GPA :slight_smile:

Yeah! I feel like my essays and extra curricular were strong and it compensated for my GPA. NYU really does look beyond grades… good luck I hope you get in :grinning:

Thanks so much!! Whats ur major??

I got into biology! What about you? I’m interested in pre-health!

That’s exactly what I want to do! I applied for pre professional medical track and biology !

Did you get into any other schools your interested in?

Denied from Villanova, UNC, accepted to Fordham, Rutgers, Pitt, Seton Hall, and Marist, deferred from Northeastern, still waiting for Northeastern, Lehigh, NYU, Columbia, and UPenn. The schools I got into are nice but I feel like I wouldn’t be happy at them.


can other people check their housing portal? I’m not sure if it is an indicator but I heard some people talking about it from ed2. If it says dc, usually means a bad thing but i might be wrong. Mine says dc but they might have not looked at my app yet.

Hey! From what you’ve said, it sounds like you do have a pretty strong application overall! But seeing that you got denied from Villanova doesn’t really bode well for the rest of your applications except Lehigh and perhaps Northeastern. Of course, take this with a grain of salt because every college has a different ‘ideal’ student and there is no way to be certain. I really hope you get into NYU though, good luck!!! (ps. I also got denied from UNC but who needs them lmao)

Thank you so much!!! Hahahaha yea who needs UNC lol!

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You probably won’t see a change now — it’s too early. I have DC too.

How do you check the housing portal