NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Did you try the Stern email trick?

Did the academic year show up after the button disappeared or has it been there?

I tried the email trick, didn’t work for me.

Not sure mine says that as well

ummm i think something disappeared in my portal? There used to be two buttons but now there’s one…

I didn’t check housing prior to my button disappearing, so tbh idk

I figured it out, if you still have two buttons in your application portal then it means a decision has not been made for you yet. When it changes to 1 button, then you can look at the housing portal for the indications. https://housing.nyu.edu/apply

1 button + Spring DC and Summer = Rejection / Waitlist

1 button + Summer application + Academic Year 2021-2022 = Acceptance

2 buttons = no decision yet, so wait a few more days

I was an ED II applicant and the indicators were accurate and this is similar!


I think that academic year is a good sign. I have NO idea but RD last year a lot of accepted students had “waitlist”

What about 1 button + summer + academic year?

What about people with academic year?

Would someone mind posting an image of the “2 button”? I cannot tell what mine us

Just posted what mine looks like.

It seems like a good sign

ohh so it isn’t on the housing portal omg. Also thank u xoxo appreciate it

lol I have the same thing!

I’m just hoping it’s not a bad sign and just means they haven’t made an official decision yet. Still nerve-racking

I applied last minute to be honest, around like 4 days before the RD deadline so I’m not too worried that they haven’t gotten to my application yet

if u still have the 2 buttons in the application portal then it means they didnt make a decision for you yet.

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On my housing, I have Summer 2021 and my options are NYC and AD

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