NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

me too! I’m a film applicant and I have no changes as far as I can tell

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tandon and no update here

Stern and no update.

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steinhardt and no update

steinhardt no update

It’s still a bit early, usually its 3-4 days before the decision day


CAS and no update

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Also Stern and no update :slight_smile:

Gallatin and no update

CAS no update

Could anyone do the Stern email trick? Instructions are in the thread.

Hi everyone –

Just wanted to hop on and say the housing portal has nothing to do with your admission decision. I was admitted last year and had no updates to my portal. Some of my friends who got in did have updates.

I know it’s stressful and you just want to know your decision, but you’ve got this! It’s just a few more days until you know for sure (I know it feels like eons, though). You’re all super qualified, and even if it’s meant to be, it might not work out this time. That’s okay. Take it from me – NYU isn’t exactly all roses and rainbows.

Regardless, I’m wishing you the best of luck! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Oh, and definitely apply for every single scholarship and grant NYU offers if you do get in. The earlier the better!

Side note: start an Instagram group chat! I found it helped ease my nerves a little bit to be experiencing it with a group of friends who could support each other.

Good luck!! :slight_smile:


it wont let me on the housing portal… what does this mean??

how so? like when u click forms it doesnt?

My portal has two buttons, no updates, that means a decision hasn’t been made yet right?


idk why people from last year come on here and say that the housing portal has nothing to do with admission. Last year was different so they don’t know anything about this year. It was real and accurate this year for the early decision applicants.

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Thank you so much!

yeah when the portal has two buttons, it means a decision hasn’t been made for you yet.

is it bad that my portal is exactly the same?

Totally get that! If that’s your experience then that’s awesome. I’m glad it’s more clear. Perhaps it’s accurate for a greater number of people this year. I just remember people from previous years telling us that it didn’t mean anything either (and we didn’t believe them) and then it ended up being largely true. Just trying to say don’t read too much between the lines!