NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision


you still have two buttons so a decision hasn’t been made for you yet

Can someone explain what buttons we are talking about?

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when should we expect changes if neither of our buttons have disappeared yet?

since you don’t have the academic year thing, i’m still not 100% sure if its a good sign

within 2-3 days before april 31

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thank you!!

thank you!

Is there anyone applied to Tandon having buttons disappeared? My two buttons are there

I also applied Gallatin and my housing portal only has summer 2021

it’s still early, within the next few days it should change. Same thing happened with the early decision applicants

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Thank you!

I only have 1 button and summer 2021 in the housing portal…

what is the stern email thing


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Mine changed to just one button

it changed just now?

The button changes will happen within the next few days!

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what is the stern email hack?

yikes so I have 1 button + only summer… no ideas on what this could mean?