NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision


Did one of those whose boxes changed to only one box during the last 3 days get admitted? Because some people on here are saying that it comes in waves. First the admitted students then those whose portals get updated last are the rejected ones.

mine changed again just today. yesterday, i had one button with spring and summer. today, i have one button with just summer. not sure about the wave thing

seems like there’s way too many variables hmm…

when the one button disappears the change on housing can take up to a day to appear from what I remember from ed2

is it bad my button hasn’t disappeared yet

most people who got their changes late were waitlisted

rip. I also had problems with FAFSA which I had to resolve yesterday so maybe that’s why but good to know

oh really? does that include admitted students?

Where are you guys getting all this summer means acceptance and all that. None of those indicators where there during ed 2 or the Ed 1


I don’t think y’all should play with that-

I don’t think any of those indicators you guys are talking about are real since there’s no way to prove them bc they are not the same as last year or ED


During ED2 we had only spring 2021. When spring disappeared, because we had no other applications, it said “no applications available” if someone was admitted. Since you guys have summer as well, I personally think when spring disappears it means admitted.

You can verify this with the people who have a working stern email (100% accuracy of admission) if you want…

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my buttons went away at the same time as everyone else and i was waitlisted so i dont think it matters

it doesn’t matter when the buttons leave but rather if you have spring or not.

i know i was replying to u saying that ppls buttons who went away late were waitlisted. mine went away early and i was still waitlisted

oh. I meant that usually those who got the change late were more like to be waitlisted rather than deferred.

ohhhh i see. this could definitely be true especially since it means they’re kinda stuck on ur application

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Ok, but what does it mean if you don’t have spring?

Lmao all these conspiracy theories. I’m just waiting for my rejection :relieved: