NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

That’s so interesting. I had no idea. Thanks for the info!

Mine says that too on NYU Albert

I guess its a glitch lol

I think it says that for everyone. It just doesn’t mean anything until you get the admit/enroll button.


3.85, 35, 800 math 2, chem, physics. from what i heard, Gallatin is as selectie, if not slightly easier, than CAS

So, I clicked on my “NYU Application Information Update Request” button a few days ago and I don’t remember what exactly it said, but it changed from giving me options (e.g. essay, notification plan, etc.) to saying something along the lines of “yo, we won’t let you change anything because it’s unlikely we’ll be able to this late and just contact us at the admissions email and we’ll see what we can do if you really need a change”. Today, that button changed back for me and is giving me all the options again. Anyone else or am I diving way too hard into this?

It might just be a glitch imo. Don’t worry abt the indicators till the end of march.

I did end up spamming the hell out of that function too through January, but yeah, probably a glitch.

When have NYU RD decisions been released in the past?


Did anyone apply for the BA/DDS program in regular decision?

Gallatin is kinda weird because they’re selective in looking for students they believe can create their own major. I don’t think phenomenal stats are what they necessarily desire in an applicant. Obviously it helps, but I had seen someone on the ED 1 thread get deferred or rejected (can’t remember) with really high stats from Gallatin.

haha yikes! my “major” wouldn’t be too too unique (a mixture between biochem and public health). honestly, I’m hoping they just put me in CAS.

In Ed1 the indicators didn’t start until ~1 week before decisions. Also this housing portal change means nothing. I’m already waitlisted and my portal changed too. I think it’s because they opened the summer housing portal for their summer camps/programs.

Wouldn’t look into any indicators until last week of March

I’m so nervous!!!

I was on an info session this morning and they said that decisions won’t be released in waves. They said it will be all at once at the end of March, but didn’t specify a date.
I’m sure many of you knew this, but just clarifying for those of you who might be wondering.


end of April? We have to commit by May1


oh goodness, sorry, that was a typo. changed it to end of march

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Really? I thought it was going to be April 1. Does NYU typically release early or no?