NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

that’s what I was thinking… like the most they’d do for us looking at the housing portal is laugh at us but there’s nothing inappropriate about doing that


Do you all green check marks next to all the items in the application checklist?

this always existed for everyone btw

everyone can see that. This is where your accept/decline button will appear if you’re offered admission. If you’re admitted its going to show there a few minutes before it does on your main portal

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Okay, I’m an RD applicant to NYU Class of 2025 (CAS). The “application update” button has disappeared about 2 days ago.

After looking at the threads on this page, I logged into the housing portal just now, and I found there is ONLY “Summer 2021” (Can choose New York & Abu).

I’ve seen lots of my classmates have something like “Academic Year” on their housing portal shows “First Year” or “Waitlist Undergraduate”. They did the trick by accessing the application on the housing portal before “Academic Year” stuff emerged.

I did exactly the same process but I cannot see the “Academic Year” thing.

Any of you guys have any idea about this? I’ve been sooooo anxious these days. Coz those who have “Academic Year” on their housing portal has either “first year” or " waitlist". I am sooooo afraid that I am about to be rejected :frowning:


where are you from

Hi! I’m from China.

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Do you have only one button on your portal?


Oh, I think that’s a good sign. This is from one of the posts above,

If you still have two buttons in your application portal then it means a decision has not been made for you yet. When it changes to 1 button, then you can look at the housing portal for the indications.

1 button + Spring DC and Summer = Rejection / Waitlist

1 button + only summer = Possible Acceptance but not 100% sure

1 button + Summer application + Academic Year 2021-2022 = Acceptance

2 buttons = no decision yet, so wait a few more days

Also I still do not notice any changes in my portal, is that a negative indicator?

Oh! Thank you soooo much! Still feel kinda confused coz nobody around me have 1 button and Spring + Summer :thinking:

Don’t worry I sure hope you’ll get in :slightly_smiling_face:

Best wishes to all!!!

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I’m the only one around me who has only one button. I’m kind of nervous.

is there any of you who is an international student and has one button, because I have two still

I’m international, and I have one button. My friends all have two buttons.

yeah me too, two buttons here as well

NYU isn’t a target school for anyone it doesn’t matter what scores u have or ur demographics

yup two buttons :(( but my friend has one