NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I do too and I’m getting increasingly worried. This is stressing me out :sweat_smile:

me too I think its okay!

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no just downbad since i got rejected man

life not worth it if your not hypsm imo gotta check out the lobby

2 buttons here

Same girl❤️

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I just give up I’m just going to see what happens on march 31


I literally just saw my portal updated and I have one button but I have spring and summer. I have not seen a person with that combination so I’m really stressed. I also can’t even find academic year…

I can tell so far from this thread that NYU will be very collaborative in nature.


Hahah let’s keep our hopes up!!!

Hey, I have the same thing. As for the Academic Year 2021-2022 portion, it’s supposed to be under Summer 2021 when you first sign into the portal from housing.nyu.edu/apply. I wouldn’t take the indicators too seriously.

Wait so you think your portal was recently updated or have you not seen your portal in a while? I am always on that portal every 10 minutes and no change lol

I jsut looked at it for the first time today, yesterday it was not like this.

Wait you also have one button and both spring and summer?

one button and just summer

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Where’s the four-button option?!

wdym by four buttons?

I have this exactly, tho I didn’t apply for housing

ok so this is on my portal

and this is on my housing portal. what does this mean?

Here is a poll for the Stern email thing. Here are the exact directions to do this trick. Go on to gmail.com, and press login. Type (your) netid@stern.nyu.edu. You need to replace “netid” with the netID found on your applicant portal. If you are redirected to a stern login page, the ED round indicates you have been admitted. I want to use this poll to determine whether this trick is still relevant to the RD round

Also, keep in mind how many buttons you have on your applicant portal. These buttons refer to the “personal info” and “update” buttons (I believes that’s what they say). If you have one of these buttons, your decision is final. If you have two, supposedly your application is still in review.