NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

no, but i was told on reddit that they didn’t have one for applicants to the ny campus, only ad

I would assume so. But maybe it’s because of the requirements. Other schools say that the applicant must be “inadmissible” under normal circumstances, i.e. their academics aren’t good enough. I don’t know how it works at NYU nor do I know how “admissible” I was.

Survey Link:

Report Link:

Here’s what I found on the response: those who took SAT & ACT with 1500 & 35 (good scores) get summer only or summer + academic year…

The sample size is large enough! Can’t conclude an explicit correlation there! Just for you guys to reference… :slight_smile:

Well it doesn’t clear up. Thanks tho

my button better change tmr istg

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Can someone with one button + summer/academic confirm if they see ny and Abu Dhabi in the dropdown of summer?

Just voted yes, but what’s this for?

I can confirm that

Trying to figure out if different dropdowns mean anything…

Bruhh both of my buttons are still there : )


You are great detectives. Keep up the good work.


could anyone please brief me on the portal astrology being discussed? I’m a Tandon applicant btw

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i’m getting this btw

I am getting the same but i guess the portal astrology was for the housing portal

what exactly on the housing portal?

NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision - #1859 by enviro17 check this

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How do I check the stern email?

does anyone who applied to tandon have two buttons?

Why do some portals still show two buttons? Does it mean we’ve already been rejected, or our decisions have not yet been uploaded?

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