NYU Class of 2027 Official Thread

We felt the same. Daughter waitlisted for Film and Television. It’s still a no but she is very excited that she was so close to getting into one of the top film schools in the world. She has other great options so it’s easy for her to move on.


Tonight is Barnard and then we are done!

I have a son at Pace Performing Arts and this one has also been accepted there as well as other places so we shall see!!

Is your daughter the one who got into Chapman? That is an amazing film school. My neighbor graduated from Dodge Film this past May and has been working non-stop. She absolutely loved Chapman!


Yes, she got into Chapman. Her final schools are Emerson, Chapman, Ithaca and UNCSA, so all good options, plus UCONN is still in the picture because she received good merit that makes it the least costly.

My daughter has been involved in theatre since first grade, including attending performing arts middle school and high school. Her high school program puts on four major productions a year, so she is used to working non-stop with never-ending hell weeks.

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Waitlisted but D can’t even remember what school at NYU as she was not that interested. Got in at Colgate and Rochester which were first choices but still waiting on 4 ivys.


Well, to be clear the SAT is of no predictive correlation to college success. But yes, it is a way for colleges to trim the applicant pool at their will so a way to liit the applications they review. Of course we know that none of the colleges read the essays that the kids spend so much time on. Even when the acceptance mentions something from their essay it is obvious it is just an AI generated note.

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Remember though, the median SAT doesn’t include students who did not submit scores


what r odds of getting off waitlist

It happens, takes work – but odds still minimal.

For some schools you can look at the CDS and see how long the waitlist is: at some elite schools larger than the number of admitted students. But NYU doesn’t disclose theirs.

So, without knowing the size and one’s individual “position”, it could be anything from quite likely to “no way”.


D23 is admitted to Steinhardt for Flute Performance, would like to also major in Sociology or another related subject. No merit or financial aid offered, sadly.

WGPA 4.474
WNA 102.035
Submitted SAT 1570, one sitting
Class rank 3 out of 250
Attending small public STEM high school in the Atlanta Metro
16 APs plus Diff Eq and Multivariable Calc, AP seminar and research Capstone Diploma
Very strong ECs, lopsided to music, volunteer flute tutor
National (including NYO2), International and State honors
Attended EMF, BUTI YAO and BUTI Flute workshops, many masterclasses
Winner of several concerto competitions and local Flute Club Young Artists competition winner
NPRs “From the Top” Fellow
Published Sociological research on underrepresentation in Classical music education and industry


Hopefully you will get my daughters spot. We just declined admission for Tisch a few moments ago :disappointed:. Such an incredibly difficult decision but decided to decline early in order to open up the spot for someone else.


We will be making an appeal to the financial aid office. Does anyone have experience with this or does anyone know if appeals are likely to lead to more aid? My son was granted a merit scholarship (jazz studies- Steinhardt) but the cost is still A LOT more than we can afford. I was also wondering if anyone knows how their merit offers work? If another student decides not to attend, do they redistribute the merit money? This is my son’s dream school and program.

Daughter accepted to NYU Shanghai. Trying to decide about this an option.

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Merit funding is extremely rare at NYU so the fact that you have some already is a win. I’d be more likely to base an appeal based on need, seeing as NYU is now committing to meet full demonstrated financial need. Did you do the net price calculator before your son applied? Was it wildly out of whack with the funding you actually got?


Agree with the previous post.

Merit aid and financial aid are tied together as a package deal at NYU. Since NYU commits to meeting “100% of demonstrated financial need” it uses merit awards to offset financial aid.

There are no separate merit awards for first year students who do not qualify for financial aid. But, you can appeal your total award package based on arguments that NYU did not meet your demonstrated financial need.


My son also loved Rochester but already accepted ED2 at NYU. He submitted ACT 33 from one test but had a 35 and 36 in two areas just low in math. GPA 5.12. Got completely rejected from Brown. Didn’t submit scores to Brown based on counselor advice. I think ED was key to getting into NYU. I also think these super small top 5 liberal arts schools are impossible to get into because of so many athletes and regular kids have to have 35s or better so can let in athletes with 32s. So crazy a 32 has to be “pulled up!”

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Housing question here - do you guys know who can apply to the new dorm at 181 Mercer (Paulson)? Heard from someone that students admitted to NYU from waitlist after May 1 (which is by definition all students admitted from waiting list) are closed to/prohibited from applying to Paulson but can list any other freshman dorms. That seems weird to me. I guess Paulson is requiring some essays for its residential college type living in the Fall.

Anyone know anything about this?

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Stern, the official housing application deadline is May 1st. I think NYU Residential Housing would work on those Paulson dorm applications (require essays) first. Those who have written essays but did not get into Paulson dorm would lump together with others including waitlist admits for the remaining dorms.