I’m an upcoming freshman attending NYU and as of right now I plan on studying Economics and Computer Science which both have strong reputations, impressive faculty and high rankings. NYU was the only school that had a specific joint major with these two majors that I saw. Overall the program seems great, but the only even remotely bad issue is that it’s a BA instead of a BS (even if I did them individually). Stern has a BS is Business economics which I am not interested in which is why I did not apply there and Tandon has a BS in computer science but it’s harder to double major with economics and it is not as known academically as NYU Courant nor does it have the same reputation.
In terms of quality of education I feel like NYU was the right decision however how much would BA instead of a BS hurt me ,especially since I’m doing the joint major, in getting jobs after college? Since I’m interested in economic theory and government rather than business I don’t think the BA in that will hurt much if at all, but if I were to go into Computer Science how much will that hurt? I know places like Harvard only offer a BA in CS as well so I can’t see it hurting too bad but I’d like to see what other think about my intended major.
Additionally I know that in most cases experience and a portfolio but I did a quick google search and saw that some jobs specific require a BS so would that mean that I can not apply to those jobs at all?