NYU, Dartmouth, USC?

<p>-Stats: Sophomore, Illinois resident
-Cumulative GPA as of now: 3.76 (on the 4.0 scale)
-50th in a class of 589 (puts me in the top 8%)
-Haven't taken standardized tests yet.
French Club/French Honor Society member
Model UN participant
Future Business Leaders of America member (next year, I'll be an officer)
Interact Club member (community service)
Political Science Club member
Mock Trial Club/Team member
Scholastic Bowl member
History Club member</p>

<p>Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure walk/run participant
2nd place at FBLA area conference, 10th place at state</p>

<p>By the time I'm done with high school, I will have taken one honors class (next year, I'm taking Honors Chem 1). My Math classes will have gone through Pre-Cal/Trig. I will have six units of English (I'm doubling up next year and senior year). </p>

<p>Considering all this, roughly what scores should I aim for on the ACT and SAT II's? Is my GPA good enough for NYU, Dartmouth, and/or USC - that is to say, if I can maintain it until senior year? Is there anything else I should do besides trying to get a higher GPA and test scores?</p>

<p>It completely depends on your SAT. Your class rank is a little low for Dartmouth, but should be ok for NYU, USC. Then again, a 2200+ should give you a shot. Also, you need more leadership positions for D.</p>

<p>focus on ur likes and what ur interest r</p>

<p>What school are you applying to at NYU?</p>

<p>Hopefully the College of Arts and Sciences. My major would be Journalism.</p>

<p>For Dartmouth, if you can get a 2250 SAT, 32-33 ACT, and 700+ SATII's, you'll be in great shape. Your EC's look a little short for an Ivy, but I had similar EC's and was accepted at Dartmouth. I would definitely try to get your class rank up, as something like one in four Dartmouthers (Darties, Dartmouthies, Darts...what the hell do we call ourselves again!?) were high school valedictorians, myself included. Your status as a Midwesterner might give you a very slight edge; there are a simply astonishing number of Dartmouth students that hail from NY and NJ, whereas I am almost certain that I'm the only Toledoan who will be matriculating at Darmouth next year.</p>

<p>I can't tell you much about NYU and USC, sorry.</p>

<p>my bud got into USC with 1200 SAT, same grades as you, and he's white, no big stuff...</p>

<p>Dartmouth - tough reach - aim for 2250+ is ideal, 2100+ is ok 750s across the board
NYU - match - 1900+ is ideal, 1820+ is ok, high 600s for SAT 2
USC - match - 1850+ is fine, on the old SAT basically anything over an 1150 got you in, low 600s are fine</p>

<p>how do you only have one honors class after four years, seems like you took the easy way out to get that top 8% spot.</p>

<p>I wouldn't listen to Shrek as to SAT scores for USC. They are way, way, way off. USC will take in a few people with low SATs but only if they shine in other areas or bring something interesting to the campus mix. </p>

<p>I have copied a USC thread where people accepted listed their scores. I wouldn't let them frighten you this being CC, but you probably need somnething close to a 4.0 and 1400 to be sure of admission. This is especially true if you are applying for one of USC top programs: film; engineering; journalism; business. The scores have been going up pretty dramtically every year and USC is becoming much more competitive and selective.</p>

<li>TheAbolitionOfMan - Computer Science, 1460/700/690/680, 3.8</li>
<li>haley8733 - Undecided, 1550, 800/790/760, 4.0, 1st</li>
<li>Diablo2Fan - Business/Pre-Med, 1400/760/750/700/3.71UW, 18</li>
<li>sweetbee03 - Business/Pre-Law, 1480/800/790/730, 3.9, top 3%</li>
<li>PGSS04 - pre-med, 1600/800/800/780/760 4.something W top 1-2% of 300</li>
<li>nirvana33 - Film/Communications, 1460/710/660/700, 3.3</li>
<li>themockery - Theatre, 1470, 770/770/690, 3.57, no rank</li>
<li>syawn - Chem E, 1580, 800/780/740/740, 3.95 UW, no rank</li>
<li>Hawaii - pre-med/public relations/marketing/I would listed to psych/i don't really know, 1430, 720/690/680, 3.8 ish UW?, no rank (<strong>wow, my scores suck</strong>)</li>
<li>Pixiedanzer - 1400/760/730/570/660 3.8 GPA majors: communications/int. relations. minor: theater</li>
<li>Joh - Film/Television Productions, 1570, 770, 710, 700, 90% (dunno that in a 4.0 scale)</li>
<li>cboryca22 - Film/TV Production & Journalism, 1410, <jeez, everyone="" took="" sat="" iis...not="" me...woops="">, 4.0 UW, 4.6 W, 8/423 rank</jeez,></li>
<li>lilybbloom - International Relations, 1400/800/800/740/3.7UW, 10/194</li>
<li>Izlar- Undecided 1580/790/740/730/4.4 w
15.Evilpotatoofdoom-Communications, 1420/800/770/740, 4.6W 3.9UW, 7/176</li>

<p>I suggest that you spend some time reading all the USC threads on the specific college board and perhaps pose your questions there. The same thing for Dartmouth and NYU. The people on those boards are either applicants, attendees, alum, or parents of current or recent students and they know the schools.</p>

<p>The freshman profile for the USC class of 2003-2004, two admitted classes ago, is found at:</p>

<p><a href="http://afaweb.esd.usc.edu/USC-AFA/upload_images/ACF5F.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://afaweb.esd.usc.edu/USC-AFA/upload_images/ACF5F.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<pre><code> 2003-2004

<p>Middle 50% SAT I
Matriculants 1270 – 1420
Admits 1300 – 1430
Applicants 1110 – 1340</p>

<p>It is high now and will be higher in the future.</p>


<p>Umm, no, I didn't take the easy way out. My school is has very strict requirements for letting people get into honors classes. I got good grades in Biology this year, so they said I can take honors Chem next year. In order to get into other honors classes, you have to have been in honors prerequisites. This all links back the work you did in 8th grade, which I did badly in. It's too late for me to take other honors classes except for honors science courses. The top 8% is only determined by your grades at our school. They don't weigh honors classes, either. But I digress. The point is, I didn't take honors classes before because I couldn't. I don't know why they do it like that.</p>

<p>fair enough</p>