NYU Deferred/Waitlisted 2025

Did u get off the waitlist?

Btw u can always submit a new waitlist form, but it is not guaranteed that they will see it since itā€™s after May 1 the deadline. If u want to remove an old waitlist form just email the admissions office. Thatā€™s what I did and they removed it (but will still show in portal).

Btw CAS acceptance rate is 7%. Stern is 5.6%. Good luck lol

I only submitted one and got in on friday if that makes u feel better

did u need aid or were u full pay

i needed aid and they actually gave me a scholarship for 11.2kā€¦ barely a dent in the tuition but it helps :sob:

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if u want to increase your chances at nyu apply as full pay applicant

probably boost chances

whats the point in going to NYU if its going to cripple me with a 300k debt and a film degree. If it makes anyone happy i wont be attending without aid

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lmao why are you guys sending in 9 forms I CANT DO THIS

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Iā€™m gonna submit another one tmrw prolly

nyu is really upsetting me tbh. Like they can at least send out an email to the waitlist kids. With all the calls they know we are dying for info


i mean thatā€™s totally up to you however I would maybe say if you donā€™t have any new information to report, like awards or positions, then donā€™t. i get wanting to relay interest in the school, but I feel like at this point itā€™s out of our hands so donā€™t stress more than you have to ya know

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I think youā€™ll be fine with one form if u donā€™t have more updates tbh

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Iā€™m just gonna say how much I want to go to nyu and also update them on some random award I got.

I made a lot of posts on this thread but never really explained my app or situation for NYU. Let me know what you guys think my chances off the waitlist are based on my app.

Stats -
SAT - 1510 (710 Eng, 800 Math)
GPA before senior year UW(91.92) after senior year UW(92.40)


  • Manager of one of the biggest tutorials in NYC for 2 years into present (11,12)
  • Basketball Club 2 years (9,10)
  • Volleyball Club 2 years (9,10)
  • Model UN member 2 years (11,12)
  • Private Tutor(9,10)
  • Volunteer for Tutoring Center for less fortunate (10,11)
  • Volunteer at OLD middle school tutorial (10,11)

All my ecs had 4 hours 52 weeks a year.

I GOT WAITLISTED at TANDON FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE. Please let me know what you guys think of my application! I also applied ED1

Prolly above average and higher then most. Also what race are you because nyu often uses waitlists for diversity requirements.

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bro this is insaneā€¦ MY STATS ARE CRAP COMPARED TO YOURS. you shouldve gotten in already


I honestly think the admission process is so random, but I think ur application is definitely strong