NYU Deferred/Waitlisted 2025

I am Asian, but more specifically South Asian from Bangladesh. I also applied ed1 and my income is 154k+. There must be a reason why I got waitlisted but honestly, I keep blaming myself even though I think I did the best I could. I also applied Ed1 and am a native new yorker

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shouldnt it be easier then considering diversity?

I mean we are all really competitive applicants. There could be hundreds of different reasons why we got waitlisted as opposed to accepted.


Lol bro I have similar stats and more ECs… got into most colleges besides nyu and Columbia where I got waitlisted which are the only ones I wanted to go

b r u h you got waitlisted at columbia. i got straight up rejected


trust me I felt the same way when I got waitlisted and also got rejected from other schools that I REALLY wanted to go to. I was blaming myself for not doing more in the past and basing my own worth on college admissions, which is so toxic. it sounds so cliche but you are so much more than a stupid school and I know you’re going to succeed anywhere you go


What major did you apply for. For now I got into and committed to northeastern, but NYU remains my top choice. What do you think the chances are homie

a girl at my school also got waitlisted for both columbia and nyu… i also know a few people who got into columbia but were waitlisted at nyu

I only got into my safety schools and am not even committed anywhere rn. I literally have no clue what I’m doing.


If you guys can’t get in with those stats…there’s literally zero chance for me

honestly though… This seems very random because i was also waitlisted with a 1330 SAT and a 3.2 UW GPA. I mean I have some crazy ECs but i thought they would toss my application out the first chance they got

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I think the major you apply for and ofc other aspects matter. However, I hope I do get off when they do get to my waitlsit form and see my application again. Praying to get off for Tandon Comp sci tomorrow!!

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it is 1:12 am here in NYC though so im gonna head to sleep. Goodnight! My gpa was also unweighted sigh

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okay so I got in on friday… i submitted an ACT score of 32, my gpa is like 3.8 or smth idek because my school has weighted gpa so I can only see it as 4.8… my ec were also kinda eh tbh. so really it’s so random


I was talking to college cons. At my hs school and college use waitlists a lot for diversity requirements. If you are underreported in major or school within college u have a higher chance

lmao im in the same situation and i literally wanna die college admissions has been so awful

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so as an Asian for comp sci at Tandon what do you think. I am South Asian, Bengali.

from south asia? or born in america

Hopefully they’re on the lookout for average white kids at gallatin

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also LOVE that this forum has just transformed into a trauma dump