NYU Deferred/Waitlisted 2025

i srsly don’t get why they don’t want to take in ppl from waitlist even though they have space cuz yall have great ec and great stats

Yeah I feel the AOs aren’t supposed to leak much info, but all he said was that there’s a good deposit rate this year compared to previous years.

I honestly don’t think they have space

As with all matters of the heart,
should I stay or go? ugh :broken_heart:

i mean even if the deposit rate is good it surely wouldn’t be more than like idk 85% so they def would have space

It’s over for us.

If there’s extremely good deposit rate

I mean it was kinda sketchy, bec he said they realized a few students from the waitlist, however so far there’s only one wave for LS spring students.

Your feelings are completely valid, and I know it’s frustrating to hear that there are few slots available. I feel the exact same way. Just know that you could still be one of those few slots. I’m a big believer that things work out the way they are meant to be…and that our feelings right now will help us grow. It’s not easy…but don’t beat yourself up over this. You are amazing, talented, and worth so much more than this. We all are! NYU put you in the waitlist because they recognize your light! We will end up where we need to be.

Btw…If you ever need to talk or vent! You guys can always dm me!..I know how difficult this is.


WHAT!? Why did they tell us to keep updating information then?

Well if he said there would be waves in the coming weeks, then that’s a positive sign

And we wait until those who deposited to NYU as their safeTY moves on to their most preferred choices when the latter releases their own WL results. :slight_smile:

I mean a lot of kids got off princeton wl…a school known for its really high yeild. Anything can happen!


if my albert says “inquiry access denied” underneath the satisfactory academic progress part, does that mean anything?

your majesty, thank you

They told me that they would check EVERY form

Everyone has that

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sorry poorly constructed sentence, syntax war with itself, I cannot think straight now and I am so tired, my brain cells are in fetal position now

Waitlist inception


Also guys, everybody is jumping to conclusions from like one piece of information, keep your composure! Whether it’s going to be a good or bad year for waitlist, nobody knows exactly what the situation is like besides NYU admissions. We just have to wait and see