NYU Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

mines back up still no app

mine is up, still no app

Mine became summer from no app for 1 min and then it changes back to no app



At the moment, no apps are about 1/3rd of the total count, which lines up with the early admit rate after factoring in selection bias on CC. I presume summer housing with the different button combos is either deny, waitlist or defer.

1/3 of what count?

of the responses to the survey from earlier today.

but no button summer is still the minority on the excel form right now, i seriously think this random at this point it’s too split.


I have no button summer - it is probably deny. one and two buttons may be WL/defer? I don’t know but I’m not very optimistic right now.

Yeah honestly I think that portals are being updated at different times and by different programs/admissions officers and there is no correlation.


Am I the only stern person with one button summer?

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This just isn’t consistent at all, even with last year’s results.


what was the nyu ed1 acceptance rate last year?

The fact that the sports commit had two buttons as recent as last night confirms that none of this lines up.


Absolutely nothing lines up, indicators or not. At this point I think it’s just better for us to wait the couple hours than go into an indicator craze, because it really does look like the admission process is a bit slow. but I’m really curious what the artistic decision behind the 3 purple lines was.


its a glitch lol


no its just how the html/css was designed for the website. thanks nyu!

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I have one button, summer, no email - applied to stern


Just wondering, do u have a second interest of major or campus?