NYU ED I Class of 2025

Hi guys I j submitted my ED 1 application for NYU Gallatin and realized there weren’t any threads on cc yet. I was hoping that we could share stats, questions, decisions, etc… on here :smile:


hi, im applying ed1 to stern , my stats are a 4.38 W gpa, 3.96 uw, 35 act (34m ,35 e, 35 s, 36 r)

How many years of foreign languages do you guys have?

I have 4 years

3 years of Latin, but only due to the fact that no 4th year is offered.

Did anyone else ED to Gallatin? I have a 3.9 unweighted, and a 4.53 weighted GPA.

ayooo anyone else ed to CAS (I applied for politics)


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Chance me (have mercy lol) but I thought I’d share some stats.

Applying to Gallatin with a focus on the intersection between humanitarian efforts and politics

GPA: 3.8 UW (All honors classes 4 APS submitted all scores were 5s) Showed some progression as I had mostly Bs my freshman year to a near 4.0 the last 2 years. School does not weigh or rank.

Test Scores: Test Optional

Legacy- Mom went to stern but she didn’t donate any money lol

RECS: strong i would say I also have an alum writing me a rec

Essays and Supplements: Strong I hope talked about me being deaf in my personal statement and talked about Gallatin obviously in my why NYU

Activities: I’ll list my 3 major ones but I had a bunch of em that probably won’t get me into the school

  1. Tutor at test center run by NYU alums. My rec came from my mentor there

  2. Clothing drive for 1,000 migrants that I started in my freshman year. I was specific about which camp and exactly what supplies in my activities section.

  3. Fundraiser for school supplies for 300 elementary school kids in the Bronx. Again, was more specific in activities section.

Hope I get in somehow lol.

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Dawg you got this

yeah I would be shocked if u didn’t get in lol.

No clue lol. I’m not too confident because it’s such a competitive school. I’m not doubting myself it’s just who knows . I thought waiting for RD was rough but I’m alrdy exhausted and it hasn’t even been like 2 days lol. I hope to see us both at gallatin since it’s such a small community :slight_smile:

I really hope we all can get in that would be crazy

I applied ED to NYU CAS for Gender and Sexuality Studies. My stats are terrible compared to these and I’m very nervous haha. Best of luck to all of you!

ED I CAS Art History

kinda average stats (3.7 uw, 7 aps but only 2 exams, didn’t submit test scores), I’m from a latino lower-middle class family, first gen college student. I did a couple art competitions and won a silver scholastic key last yr, I have a job at our local contemporary art museum, I got recs from my APUSH and photography teachers. I am second guessing my “why nyu” after submitting but I think it was pretty strong other than a mistake or two.

I really doubt I’ll get in but it was worth a shot given I’ve wanted to go here since I was 11. I’m just hoping they’ll see the passion in my app and disregard the boring stats lol.

if anyone else is applying for Art History pls dm me on instagram @plasticinecrown, i barely hear abt anyone majoring in art hist at NYU.

I applied ED for Stern too !

I applied ED1 to CAS physics.

got a 1420 SAT 680 reading and writing 740 math

British student so don’t have GPA but my A levels are A*AAA


1st team captain for epee fencing
National finalist in the weizmann safe cracking competition
National finalist in the ESA Cansat competition
Silver in the UKMT senior maths challenge
Teach science to primary schools in my area
Intern at EY

Essays are quite good and have no errors as my counselors told me they saw no errors.

What chance do I have?

yo is there anyone applying to CAS for politics?

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yuppp i’m doing politics too!

hey! i applied to steinhardt for ed studies!! anyone else apply to this program or just steinhardt in general? :slight_smile:

I applied for CAS psychology! I got an email few days ago saying that they received my standardized testing, but I DID NOT submit any of my scores. Luckily they said that they wouldn’t use the scores to evaluate my application because that’s what I said on my Common App. Do you guys know if they would still look at my scores since they have it? I’m kinda freaking out:(