NYU ED I Class of 2025

@kaylani45 if you are admitted and there is an issue with your aid details, you can contact the FA office to correct it and to see if it changes what they can offer you. (They may require you to correct it on the FAFSA website itself.)

Re the comment above about need blind, remember that very few schools are both need blind and meet full need - all need blind means is that they do not take your aid need into account when they admit you. NYU is clear that they generally do not meet full need, so yes a school can be both need blind and expensive…

Re the comment about CSS. In my understanding CSS needs to be filled in to get institutional aid (NYU aid as opposed to federal aid). The bulk of any need based aid, and any merit aid, will need CSS. If you just filled in FAFSA i think you can still get federal aid (federal loans, grants and work study).

chance me!! :))

I’m applying to CAS for international relations

I’m a white jewish female from Rhode Island (and I got to #1 public school In the state) and both of my parents are from Soviet Union (specifically Belarus)

gpa: 94.21/100 W (my school doesn’t do unweighted)

  • I got like half B’s and half A’s in freshman year because I was dealing with an eating disorder but in junior year I got straight A’s
  • in junior year my gpa went from 92.63 to 94.21

test optional bc im a very bad standardized test taker and my scores would only bring my application down

9 AP’s

  • AP world in 9th grade
  • AP Euro in 10th grade
  • AP Lang, AP Calc AB, and AP Bio in 11th grade
  • AP Stats, AP Psych, APES, and AP Physics 1 currently (12th grade)


  • In school: President Biomedical Club, 4 years Varsity Girls tennis and captain senior year
  • Out of school: played club tennis for 4 years, took advanced math classes on the weekends, and I bake desserts for commission
  • Summer: Brown University pre-college programs summers 2017/18/19 and I play club tennis over the summer

I speak fluent Russian and I can read/write in Italian

Recommendations: AP Calc teacher, AP Bio teacher, and my guidance counselor and I think that they were pretty solid

My essays I think were very good and I had tons of people look at them



me :handshake: going to literally every nyu webinar ever and watching every nyu-related youtube video in existence while i wait


Your details seem great to me. I would personally be surprised if you did not at least have a good chance of getting in, but then again, these are words from another teenager so

omg ty I hope ur right

Hey! I go to a public HS on the east coast I applied ED with similar stats, I think you have a really god shot. Side note: I’m also jewish and I speak Russian my parents are from the Soviet Union (Ukraine). I’d love to get in touch if we get in!

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omg pls!! thats so funny hahaha my Insta is @_emilysorkin

So do you think I shouldn’t do anything until I get my decision?

i’d wait until decisions come out. there’s a rly good chance that they’ll be able to make changes to your fafsa/fa package after you get accepted and they might not even reply rn because it’s prob super hectic over there due to decisions coming soon

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hi all! i applied ed1 to cas international relations and also to lsp! please chance me!

3.71/4.19 gpa (huuuge upward trend after freshman year due to to health issues which i elaborate on in the additional info section)
30 composite 32 superscored act

my courseload is pretty varied. the ap’s i’ve taken so far are apwh, apush, psych, physics 1, lang, and music theory. i’ve gotten all 4’s and 5’s (except for a tragic physics score which i’m not submitting), and rn i’m taking ap compsci principles, ap gov, and ap seminar.


  • principal clarinetist (4 years) of my hs band. i’ve been to district thrice and all-state twice. my sophomore year, i was one of 92 people selected for the honor band of america.
  • varsity debate captain w/ a 3rd place best speaker award at the state tournament
  • editor in chief of a student publication
  • co-founded a culture club at my hs and hosted a few local cultural seminars (but we had to stop this year due to low turnout)
  • family obligations. i take care of two of my grandmas who live with me bc my mom works full-time and my dad travels 24/7.
  • link crew leader + NHS
  • work - i teach music to kids in the chicago area

good luck to everyone applying!!! this week is literally going to take forever lol. i’m hopeful and manifesting, so ig i’ll see you all in new york!! good vibes!


see u in nycccc

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one week guys!!!


what time do y’all think its gonna drop

it usually comes out 1 pm pst, 4 pm est idk cst lolol

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this is what someone said in the comment section of meetnyu’s post “before midnight EST! But their website says not to worry if you haven’t heard by 5pm because you will soon” hope this helps!

At least they ended some of the uncertainty and told us the 15th. 1 more week of extreme nerves!

im nervous now… everybody’s stats are so good!! anyways- i have a 3.73 UW/ 4.79 W (i went to a different school freshman year which was NOT the school for me & i talked about it in the additional info section; major increase in gpa each year after freshman year). i also got a 1380 on the SAT which I sent (760 eng/620 math). math has never been my thing… i’ve gotten B’s for a final grade every year.

im applying to CAS for politics…

  1. School Newspaper: Opinions Editor
  2. Paid Job: Cashier at Supermarket
  3. Internship: Law Firm
  4. JSA (Debate Competitions + awards)
  5. Debate Club/Team: Treasurer
  6. Volunteered actively at Women’s Shelter
  7. NEHS (National English Honor Society): Vice-President
  8. Rho Kappa (Social Studies Honor Society): Secretary
  9. Model United Nations: Historian + got awards
  10. Quill and Scroll (Journalism Honor Society): Secretary

My whole application was focused on questioning the world around me and accepting other perspectives. I tied that into my developed love for politics and law through my essays. I rlly hope I get in, but you really never know with these things.

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Also, i’m in NHS

what is your school’s GPA scale? Mine uses a “percent-by-percent” system
98-3.9… and so on