NYU ED I Class of 2025

I just think it has to mean something cuz these changes couldn’t happen for no reason. Someone had to go to the site and click something to make all of this occur

I feel like if an AO saw this they’d reject all of us :joy:


This is my running logic: These changes absolutely mean something, it is just a matter of knowing what they mean.

where r u guys looking thatsays “no application”


what do u think they mean?

Nyu isn’t stupid and they know these rumors circulate every year. I don’t think they’d be leaving little clues on the portal. Also tons of people have said they got a housing change like an hour before acceptance so they definitely don’t all happen at once and I don’t think these ones mean anything


Or if these do mean something they’re probably not done rolling out changes

I keep getting “no applications available” for the /apply one and an error for the /newyork one

Someone plz tell me that’s not a terrible sign I’m having a panic attack rn

i think we all r good bro just relax and you’ll ease up. How r ur stats?

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its not a bad sign! super strong candidates have the same

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I have a 97.58 (w) gpa and a 32 act
I mean I can post my whole chance me if u want lol

I’m so scared

and what do you see on the housing portal

it’s not letting me open the housing portal which is weird bc I was able to before but I’m also on my phone and only did it on my laptop

ur fine ur a good applicant with good stats im sure everything gonna work out for u in the end!


does anyone have an idea of what the dc option means? i feel like all the strong applicants have the no app thing and im feeling very scared rn ahh

wait i logged in from my laptop and it says “welcome applicant” and “maintenance”

transfer student

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I have the no applications available and the link to complete the nyc residents form is still there. Is the no form a good thing or na?