NYU ED I Class of 2025

yeah i do :confused:

If anyone did a weekend workshop, what does it say in your housing portal

I still have nyu dc. I can’t tell if it’s good or bad or nothing

i feel like it’s not but idk

Did u choose DC as a second campus or soemthing

no, our housing portals just haven’t changed. everyone’s used to look like this “Spring 2021” with the only option of NYU Washington DC but today apparently ppl’s have changed to no application or waitlist undergrad so idk

I put all the alternative campuses down but I don’t have NYU dc so I don’t think there’s a correlation.

Does everyone’s bursar deposit page only give the option for spring 2021?

How come I can pay to reserve my Spring 2021 fee?

do you guys think there’s a correlation?

kinda weird

1410 + No Application

ngl from all the places i’ve seen responses to, there are a LOT LOT more of “no application” than any other option so idk

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I do not think I have seen one No Application that is below 1450 SAT (save for myself) yet

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I have. no application but i didn’t submit test scores :confused:

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33 + No app

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Go to Gmail.com on a incognito tab. Click Sign In and put in Netid@stern.nyu.edu. If it takes you to a stern website, I am speculating you are accepted. If it says account not found, I am speculating that your app isn’t finalized or your rejected. I saw both happen between a few of my friends. I have a 34 ACT and it said account not found.

not found :frowning:

I just went to the NYU Home website, clicked NYU Zoom, and it asked me to confirm my NYU email address and it showed it. Does this point towards anything

no, mine’s been like that since i got the portal im pretty sure