NYU ED I Class of 2025

Hi! NYU also sent me an email asking about IDOC Stuff but there are no new documents listed in my IDOC? I was just wondering how you sent your IDOC stuff to them? Thanks :slight_smile:

Did you upload all the tax documents to IDOC? If you did, then you are fine.

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Also, it will show in the IDOC if there is any requested documents pending. Otherwise you are good to go. By the way I think it is a very good sign that you received the email about IDOC as for as admission chances.

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Thank you so much for all the information! I’m trying not to look too much into that sign because I applied RD and the decision release date is still so far away but fingers crossed!

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Sorry for the late response. When I signed into IDOC, at the top it stated which documents NYU were requesting. If it doesnt state it for you then I suggest calling their financial aid office so you know what to upload. Did you add NYU to your CSS profile?

As to admissions chances, I have heard many people get rejected even if they got the IDOC request. Though, the IDOC request DOES signify you will get a lot of aid from them if you get in.

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Hi! Yeah, I added NYU to my CSS but I was just confused because there weren’t any new documents on my IDOC but I called FA today and they said they received all my stuff which was weird bc I didn’t upload anything new. Thank you for the help tho and congrats on getting in !!

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Thanks I hope you get in too!

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Chance me

My Background:
South-Asian brown guy from Nepal
Non-binary Gender fluid person
Only openly queer person in my school/community
Only person in my community who can speak English fluently

65%( I graduated in 2015 so it’s an old educational model of Nepal’s education system). So according to my school 65% in grades= A(4.0)
Most demanding courses throughout HS
Test Optional
No Ap/Ib/A level offered
120 on duo-lingo

Essay- personal story about survival (8/10)
LOR- 9/10

Queer Right/Mental Health/Anti-Bullying Activist
Board Member/Volunteer Member in an organization called Queer Youth Group. We work with national and international organizations (Non profit established/registered by me and some friends)
Member of an affiliation which looks over the queer right activists called Queer Right Collective
Full time work in my grandfather’s farm since 2013(family responsibility)
Teacher/Mentor for childrens in my community for 4 years (since 2015)
Organizer of Nepal’s First Pride Parade(National Level)
Organizer of Nepal’s second annual but first virtual pride parade(National Level)
Teaching children who cannot attend school due to the pandemic
2 years Non academic Hospitality management degree
Hospitality internship in Mauritius

I would say you have a good shot at getting in! It sounds like you have really been a groundbreaker in your school and even your whole country, so I think the NYU admissions officers will love you! Hopefully you communicated your passion for queer activism in your essay(s), as that seems to be your main and most impactful commitment.

I wouldn’t say you’re a shoo-in (no one really is for NYU), but I am very confident in your chances. My only drawback is I am not sure how NYU treats international students or how the testing/academic/financial aid expectations differ, but I really hope you get in!! You definitely deserve it.

Thank you so much for your kind words. I belive in luck and right time so being hopeful without expecting. It’s just weird being an international student. I don’t get the application process at all.

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No problem! You should be incredibly proud of your wonderful accomplishments even if you don’t get in. I have a feeling you will though :slight_smile:

Did you get in?

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Not yet… I’m RD

Did anyone from ED 1 have no applications and get rejected/waitlisted/deferred? Also did anyone with DC get accepted?

Heard few cases of no apps getting rejected/deferred

u did?

can u link or ss their accounts/posts that said they didn’t get in?


Did anyone who got inED1 had DC spring in their housing portal? Please reply.

I was able to access classes page and my NYU email is listed. Is that a good sign?

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i think so!! which school did you apply to?

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