NYU ED I Class of 2025

Thank you so much!!! I have really bad anxiety especially with this whole college process. : D

I think so because I just sent in my mid year report

on the waitlist FAQ it says “You should not submit any new letters of recommendation, writing samples, resumes, certificates, DVDs, CDs, photos, or additional information.” and not to submit new materials other than mid-year report, but it doesnt say explicitly test scores does any1 know

O lol sorry, I am RD so I just guessed, I assume test scores count in that additional information part

I’m not sure - I didn’t check the housing portal that much prior to decisions but I also did a summer program so my housing portal looked different than everyone else’s because I have lived in NYU housing before!

Somewhere during an admission Q&A session with an admission officer(Not from NYU) said that Waitlist is an oppurtunity to show growth. Don’t hold back, maybe don’t annoy them but do send updates especially scores… like you don’t have anything to loose at this point

Also I’m RD and I don’t have any apps in my housing portal but I do have 2 buttons… one sats my name and other says travel arrangements… i was wondering if everyone has it?

P.S. I actually applied ED2 but requested to change it into RD in 11th jan.

Anyone in RD get asked to fill out SRAR? Is this a good sign? Does anyone else have no app in their housing (I still have DC!)

Was anyone Waitlisted for Tandon?

What is the most aid that gets offered?

@Yankeefan20 the most is a full ride, but it’s rare. I do personally (not via the Internet) know of one student given a full ride, also a MLK scholar, a couple of years back. For most students they do not meet full need, although they claim to have moved more towards a need based model recently. Published average award to freshmen is $30k a year.

Hello everybody!

Please chance me for NYU CAS.

Hope you all are doing well.

Intended Major: Economics with a minor in CS

Demographics: Male, Asian (International Student)Scores: Cambridge A-levels(Economics, Business Studies, Computer Science, Mathematics: AAA*B) (I have 2 C’s and 5 B’s in my transcript in total.)

Duolingo: 145

While converting my grades to GPA I get around 3.9 but I don’t think it works like that at universities so let that be.

SAT: Optional

Rank: 20(Best highschool in nation)

Classes: Took the most rigorous classes available

So I think my ECs are pretty good but it’d be really good to know if they are good enough to cover the B’s and C’s in my transcript.


  1. Research: Couple of published research in Economics, got paper reviewed by the former Senior Economist at the World Bank, work with a team of graduates from the LSE.
  2. Issued A-levels Econ, CS, and Mathematics Revision Guides available nationwide.
  3. Developed a nationwide online learning platform in a team of 4 and sold my sudoku solver app for $250.
  4. Startup to recycle and sell unused products online (first of its kind in nation); Revenue: $800.
  5. Community Service: Taught English and Maths to 150 K-5 underprivileged students. Donated fund, computers, and stationeries to their school.
  6. President: Organized Interschool event, raised $3000, had more than 250 participants.
  7. Yougest Leader at an Intl Entrepreneurship Bootcamp (MIT Sloan), led my team to Top-4 of 150 business ideas, led a program on product devt. (200+ people)
  8. Modified and maintained school website, prepared a library database system, created GUI apps and websites (25+)
  9. 3rd of 60 people in Indian Intl MUN, raised $500 for interschool MUN, mentored new debate club members.
  10. Lead guitarist in annual school reunion concert; Performed at National Academy x5; Played at cultural shows, talent shows, and assemblies (30+ times)


  1. Published Economics journal in a National News Portal.
  2. Winner of National Poem Composition Competition (350 participants).
  3. In the starting 11 of the school cricket team for International School Cricket Premier League-2018.
  4. 20+ Econ and CS course completion certificates from Coursera.
  5. Finalist at the National Olympics Quiz.

Essays: I’ve asked few of my friends to score my essays and all of them have said they’re 8/10. An essay reviewing service too said that my essays engage the reader and keep them at the edge of their seats until the very last sentence. So yeah: 8/10

LORs: 8/10

Thank you so much!

Edit: My EFC is about 25k USD

A person from my school last year got a full ride to NYU. She is a really accomplished opera singer (and applied for voice) so I am guessing it was talent-based (she definitely wasn’t the most competitive student academically).

Hey there! First of all, you have one of the strongest EC profiles I have ever seen. Really impressive! However, your grades are definitely going to be an obstacle. The transcript is THE most important document for NYU (it is for most schools but especially for NYU). CAS is likely going to have around a 5-6% for RD (I would guess), so it is going to be super competitive, and your grades might count you out. However, it is very likely that you are able to overcome those with your national accomplishments, who knows?

With all of that being said, NYU is not known to be generous with their financial aid. Given your lower academic performance, that might mean that even if you get in, you will not be able to afford it. But, again, who knows? I’m just a stranger on the internet!

Regardless of your NYU decision/FA, you should be super proud of everything you have accomplished - it’s really amazing.

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Strongly disagree about the transcript thing although it might be different for internationals. This thread shows that ECs and essays can make up for underwhelming grades.

My housing portal changed! Summer 2021 was added with “NYU New York”

You’re welcome to disagree, but if you look at NYU’s most recent CDS, “Course Rigor,” “Class Rank,” and “Academic GPA” are 3 of the only 5 criteria in the “Most Important” category (with essays, LoRs, and ECs being only “important”). So yes, ECs and essays can make up lost ground, but they don’t replace them, and in fact have less emphasis placed on them in the admissions decision. Furthermore, if you look at the Admissions Office’s video for applicants, multiple admissions officers mention they put the most weight on the transcript, and it is in fact the first thing they look at to assess the applicant.

Also, keep in mind that this thread is for ED (when selection criteria is lower and officers are more forgiving). Furthermore, this is only a small sample of the applicants this year, you can’t generalize to the entire applicant pool. Thank you for offering you opinion. It also depends on the school you’re applying to. The CAS is extremely selective.

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But if you scroll down you’ll see that 42% of admitted students have a gpa between 3.25 and 3.49

Those are mostly Tisch and Steinhardt arts admits. Their audition is around 50% of their admissions decision.

Fair but there are probably a decent amount of CAS admits in that category since it’s the biggest school